Pudge - Dota 2
In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk.
Pudge - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
It has no changes in the current game version — 7.38b. Melee units have their projectile speed set to 900, if they should ever need it. This unit takes 0.15s to turn 180°. Hooks and pulls enemies towards him. Each carefully aimed throw of Pudge's signature Meat Hook strikes fear into his …
Pudge Melee, Disabler, Durable, Initiator, Nuker - Dotabuff
View statistics, top players and guides for Pudge on Dotabuff
D2PT - Pudge Meta Item Builds - Dota2ProTracker
Pudge Dota 2 Matches and Meta Builds for 7.38b. Find out how pros play Pudge and what the best item & skill build is.
Pudge DOTA 2 Hero Guides on DOTAFire
Pudge DOTA 2 Hero. Find all Pudge stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2.
Pudge/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk.
Pudge (DotA 2) - Fandom
Pudge the Butcher is a hero from Dota 2. He is a Strength Dire Hero. In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night-dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of …
Pudge - Guides - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
Find constantly updated Pudge guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more.
Pudge (DotA) | Dota Wiki - Fandom
Pudge releases the disease and filth inside of him, dealing intense damage and slowing surrounding enemies while hurting Pudge as well. Reduces enemy movement speed by 20%. Level 1 - 35 damage per second.
Pudge - Abilities - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
6 days ago · Pudge's skin thickens permanently every time he kills an enemy Hero, gaining 1.1 / 1.4 / 1.7 / 2 bonus Strength for each stack. Enemy Heroes that die within 450 of Pudge grant a stack regardless of its killer.
Pudge Build Guide DOTA 2: Pudge, The Mid Master - DOTAFire
Aug 19, 2012 · Find top Pudge build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
Pudge Gameplay Miracle with Cuirass and SNY - Dota 7.38
3 days ago · Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ7buu1amKXgpqCVsox1aA/joinWelcome to Dota Gameplay! #Dota #Dota2 #PudgeWe upload ...
Pudge/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Pudge is a fearsome ganker and one of the most popular and renowned heroes in all of Dota. Meat Hook is a great spell that does pure damage and displaces opponents, setting them up for ganks. Rot slows opponents, as well as dealing heavy damage over time.
Dota 2: A Complete Guide To Playing Pudge In Any Role …
Apr 18, 2021 · Here we will teach you how to play Pudge so that you can be more effective in games. Pudge is a lot of fun to play with because of his abilities, which allow him to do things that other heroes can't. Dota 2 is all about positioning; Pudge with Meat Hook can drag them out of a safe position and kill them before the fight even starts.
Pudge Dota 2 full Guide Building items & Indicators - Masterdota
"When I'm through with these vermin, they'll be fit for a pie!" A large figure labors nonstop through the night in the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoich, dismembering, disembowelment, and piling up the limbs and viscera of the dead so that the battlefield might be cleared by dawn.
Last hitting VS Pudge on middle! - Purge Techies - YouTube
3 days ago · Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/purgegamersStream: https://twitch.tv/purgegamersTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamersInstagram: https://www.instagram....
Pudge Guide: Items, Skills and Gameplay - Esports.gg
Jun 20, 2021 · Pudge remains the most popular and most played hero in Dota 2 matchmaking. We have put together an extensive guide on how to play him, what to build and how to land those meat hooks. Pudge needs no introduction.
Pudge Mid Gameplay in Dota 2 - TikTok
211 me gusta,33 comentarios.Vídeo de TikTok de DotaChill (@dotachill): «Watch thrilling Pudge mid gameplay action in Dota 2! Discover tactics and epic moments in this high-stakes match. #gameplay #dota2moments #parche7.38 #inmortaldota2 #pudgehook».
Feb 25, 2020 · Find top Pudge build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
Pudge - Dota 2 Guide - IGN
Dec 14, 2013 · Pudge is melee Strength initiator who uses his signautre Meat Hook to pull enemies to their doom. Roles: Durable - Disabler.