PUPIL Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PUPIL is a child or young person in school or in the charge of a tutor or instructor : student.
PUPIL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
PUPIL definition: 1. a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught: 2. someone who is being taught a…. Learn more.
pupil noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
pupil (British English) a person who is being taught, especially a child in a school: The school has over 850 pupils. Pupil is used only in British English and is starting to become old-fashioned.
PUPIL definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
a person, esp. a young person, under the supervision of a teacher or tutor, as in school
Pupil - definition of pupil by The Free Dictionary
a person, usu. young, who is learning under the supervision of a teacher at school or a private tutor; student.
Pupil - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
A pupil is an old-fashioned word for a young person attending school, or it can be that black dot in the center of your eye's iris. As a pupil, your pupils may dilate when your teacher dims the lights. If you are a pupil, you are a learner enrolled in an educational institution.
Pupil Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
PUPIL meaning: 1 : a child or young person who is being taught student; 2 : someone who is taught especially artistic or musical skills by a usually famous person disciple
PUPIL | English meaning - Cambridge Essential American
PUPIL definition: 1. a person who is being taught, especially in a class: 2. the black, round part in the center of…. Learn more.
Difference Between Pupil and Student
Jun 8, 2016 · Young people who are below eighteen years old and who are enrolled in a learning facility or institution are called by the term “pupil.” A pupil may be supervised by a teacher or a private tutor and is given lessons in every subject necessary for his learning and development.
People vs. Peoples vs. Pupils - Grammar.com
Pupil (in the current context) is a student, a scholar or a person who learns from a teacher or another learned person. Pupils is the plural of pupil and refers to a group of students or scholars.