python - PyQt sms bubble widget - Stack Overflow
Aug 4, 2013 · This example shows how to custom paint in an overloaded QLabel. Set a different pen/brush on the painter in the paintEvent to change the color of the bubbles.
GitHub - XMuli/BubbleChat: A bubble chat message display that …
Jun 18, 2023 · A control for bubble chat window messages created using QListWidget and adapts to the size of the bubble. Adaptive Size. Bubble messages append text content and the height is automatically recalculated; Stretch to change the size of the main window, the width and height are automatically recalculated
modern-pyqt/ch08_chatbot/chatbotGUI.py at main - GitHub
Set the margins for speech bubble.
yjg30737/pyqt-chat-widget: PyQt widget for chatting app - GitHub
PyQt widget for chatting app. This is very basic chat widget which looks like this. If you want to change the style of widgets, check out ChatBrowser, Prompt class in "chatWidget.py". After writing the text in the input, press the enter key to submit your text. It …
Pyqt实现类似微信的气泡消息 - CSDN博客
Nov 18, 2023 · 聊天框由四部分组成:最左侧是头像,右侧是聊天内容,中间绘制一个三角形指向头像,最右侧放置一个弹簧控件来调整消息的长度。 头像通过继承QLabel实现,用户可以传入头像路径或QPixmap对象。 头像会根据需要进行缩放,并设置固定的大小。 self.setPixmap(QPixmap(avatar).scaled(45, 45)) . self.image_path = avatar. elif isinstance(avatar, QPixmap): . self.setPixmap(avatar.scaled(45, 45)) . self.setFixedSize(QSize(45, 45)) 通过继 …
Implementing chat type listview with text bubbles | Qt Forum
Jun 8, 2018 · In between I have a QStyledItemDelegate to do the painting in the view in order to get the custom look of the list items. The main things being the bubble frame around the text, and the text having different sizes and possibly containing images (photos, gifs, emoji), video or audio.
Do anyone know how to make chat bubbles? - Program Dream
Have any example of what a chat bubble is supposed to look like? Hashy OP • 7mo ago. Kind of like this. Hashy OP • 7mo ago. Dumb Bird • 7mo ago. Ah I see. Well tomorrow I will have some time to install and mess with PyQt and try and give you some example code.
qt - bubble chat weight in python and pyQT - Stack Overflow
Nov 14, 2016 · You probably want to place all the Bubble QLabels inside a widget inside a QScrollArea. That way, the widget keeps getting longer (more bubbles), but it's wrapped in a scrollable area, so you can scroll to see all portions of the widget.
基于PyQt5实现聊天窗口 - Rrea - 博客园
Jul 28, 2023 · >本文仅为示例,用于参考,功能并不完整 # 主要实现以下功能: ### 1.重写PlainTextEdit组件实现类似微信ctrl+enter换行,enter发送信息操作 ### 2.带头像的消息气泡创建 ### 3.消息气泡的自适应大小 # 窗口布局(详细可以通过示例代码中的.ui进行查看)
Cloud around the text in QTextEdit — Python GUIs
Jul 5, 2020 · I think a better approach would be to use a QListView with each chat entry being a separate item -- that fits better with the model of text messages than a single block of text. You can then use a delegate to draw the text bubble around each one. Have a look at the todo example in this tutorial. You can effectively use the same, just drop the ...