jack-willturner/pytorch-onnx-tvm - GitHub
Want to see how well TVM can optimise your neural network (or some subsection of your neural network) for different bits of hardware but have it specified in PyTorch? This project exports your PyTorch models to ONNX and imports them to TVM for autotuning.
PyTorch模型转TVM模型全流程记录 - 知乎
选择使用TVM主要是看好它能在不同平台进行自动优化的功能,据说这种自动优化的效果能比得上mkl、cudnn之类的加速库。 在这篇文章中,将介绍如何把一个 EAST文本检测 的PyTorch模型经ONNX转化为TVM模型的过程。
murdockhou/Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch-Convert-ONNX-TVM - GitHub
Note that this repo only provide function how to convert model to ONNX or TVM, not focusing on model training or other things. If you want to train or test this efficientdet model, the best way is refer to original Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch repo.
pytorch-onnx-tvm/onnx_to_tvm.py at master - GitHub
PyTorch -> ONNX -> TVM for autotuning . Contribute to jack-willturner/pytorch-onnx-tvm development by creating an account on GitHub.
Quick Start — tvm 0.20.dev0 documentation
Construct or Import a Model: Construct a neural network model or import a pre-trained model from other frameworks (e.g. PyTorch, ONNX), and create the TVM IRModule, which contains all the information needed for compilation, including high-level Relax functions for computational graph, and low-level TensorIR functions for tensor program.
Note that this repo only provide function how to convert model to ONNX or TVM, not focusing on model training or other things. If you want to train or test this efficientdet model, the best way is refer to original Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch repo.
[RFC]PyTorchTVM: compile TorchScript to TVM and ... - Apache TVM …
Aug 24, 2021 · PyTorch framework is increasingly being adopted for research and production. At the same time, PyTorch lacks an effective inference acceleration toolchain, which is the main concern in the industry. Existing acceleration includes: From our perspective, there are some limitations for both ONNX and TensorRT:
Convert PyTorch LSTM model to TVM via onnx
Mar 26, 2021 · From what I’ve found until now, TVM does not support yet LSTM operators if converting from pytorch directly. Therefore I’ve tried to convert my model first to ONNX and then convert it to TVM, but the conversion doesn’t work well. Here is the code. import torch.nn as nn. import numpy as np. import onnxruntime as ort. import tvm.relay as relay.
Compile PyTorch Models — tvm 0.9.0 documentation
Compile PyTorch Models Author: Alex Wong This article is an introductory tutorial to deploy PyTorch models with Relay. For us to begin with, PyTorch should be installed. TorchVision is also required since we will be using it as our model zoo. A quick solution is to install via pip
tvm 学习笔记(四):tvm量化pytorch的onnx模型 - CSDN博客
Jul 3, 2019 · 1、模型来源: github 链接: https://github.com/qfgaohao/pytorch-ssd 2、保存成onnx模型 运行convert_to_caffe2_models.py脚本 >> python convert_to_caffe2_models.py