Queen of Pain - Dota 2 Wiki
Queen of Pain relishes in the pain inflicted, healing every time the enemy takes damage. Creeps heal for half the damage only. Causes Shadow Strike to become a 375 AoE Spell, and have increased initial damage. When Shadow Strike ends or is re-applied to an enemy Hero, the target emits a Scream of Pain, hitting any nearby enemies.
Queen of Pain - Dota 2
Queen of Pain strikes without warning, destroying gathered foes with deafening screams. Should an enemy survive her onslaught, she slows their escape with a throw of her dagger before finishing them off.
Queen of Pain Ranged, Carry, Escape, Nuker - Dotabuff
View statistics, top players and guides for Queen of Pain on Dotabuff
D2PT - Queen of Pain Meta Item Builds - Dota2ProTracker
Queen of Pain Dota 2 Matches and Meta Builds for 7.38b. Find out how pros play Queen of Pain and what the best item & skill build is.
Queen of Pain DOTA 2 Hero Guides on DOTAFire
Find all Queen of Pain stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2.
Queen of Pain - Guides - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
Find constantly updated Queen of Pain guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more.
Queen of Pain/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
QoP is a decent right-clicker thanks to her above-average 1.5 base attack time; and benefits from damage enough to justify any damage item like Desolator, Monkey King Bar or Mjollnir, but you can also focus on spell damage and utility with Scythe of Vyse, Shiva's Guard or Linken's Sphere.
Queen of Pain (DotA 2) - Fandom
Akasha the Queen of Pain is a hero from Dota 2. She is an Intelligence Scourge Hero. The Ecclesiast-King of Elze nursed a desire for pain--forbidden pain.
Queen of Pain/Equipment - Dota 2 Wiki
Queen of Pain/Equipment < Queen of Pain. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Hero Strategy ... Dota 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...
Dota 2
From magical tacticians to fierce brutes and cunning rogues, Dota 2's hero pool is massive and limitlessly diverse. Unleash incredible abilities and devastating ultimates on your way to victory.
Queen of Pain - Ability Builds - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
Pick and Win rate change for each level based on the ability that is skilled. Compare vertically.
Queen of Pain Build Guide DOTA 2: Queen of Pain: Ace of all
Aug 18, 2024 · Find top Queen of Pain build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
Dota 2 Queen of Pain Guide – Items, Tips & Counters - ESTNN
Jul 3, 2023 · Before analyzing the top Dota 2 Queen of Pain build, we need to share some details regarding the hero’s abilities. Shadow Strike – This ability allows QoP to deal 120 damage, slow down a target by 65% and deal 80 damage per tick for 15s.
Dota 2 - Eminence of Ristul | Queen of Pain Arcana
Queen of Pain's entire model, items, and loadout pedestal have been fittingly redesigned to reflect the power of true demon royalty that she has gained in her bargain.
Queen of Pain - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Queen of Pain strikes without warning, she Blinks past defenses, wracking her victims with her deafening Screams. Should an enemy survive her onslaught, she slows their escape with a hurl of Shadow Strikes, drawing out their suffering over time. Running is futile. There is only one release from such torture.
[7.38b] Armel QUEEN OF PAIN Mid | Full Gameplay Dota Class
This video features a full Dota 2 ranked match from team Aurora Armel playing the S Tier Midlaner mid qop Queen of pain dagon build Patch 7.38b dota. Queen o...
Dota 2: What Makes Queen of Pain So Powerful in the Current …
Feb 4, 2022 · Even though this rarely happens in professional Dota 2 games, you can often see a Queen of Pain support while playing PUBs. This may work in certain scenarios, but QoP does not have any reliable disable, which makes her less useful than some traditional supports.
Dota 2: Queen Of Pain Tips And Tricks - TheGamer
May 6, 2021 · Queen of Pain reigns as one of Dota 2's all-time most popular picks — this tips and tricks guide will show you how to play her best.
Dota 2 Workshop - Technical Requirements - Queen of Pain
Below you'll find technical information necessary to create a valid item for Queen of Pain. The Ecclesiast-King of Elze nursed a desire for pain--forbidden pain.
5 days ago · Watch an absolute masterclass on Queen of Pain as a TOP 7 Immortal player dominates the mid-lane in patch 7.38b! Zero deaths, perfect execution, and insane o...