linux - What should I choose: GTK+ or Qt? - Stack Overflow
Dec 11, 2009 · Of course, KDE is very popular as well. Nokia is heavily pushing Qt in the mobile space -- their Maemo OS, used on the new N900 for example, is soon to switch to Qt as the …
What is difference between GTK and QT applications?
Aug 18, 2018 · Qt and GTK set themes independently (via, e.g., qtconfig or gtk-chtheme) but this is harmonized by some desktop environments. GNU/Linux tends to be more GTK oriented …
What are the differences between Gtk+ and Qt? - Stack Overflow
Nov 26, 2009 · After some time it was decided to re-write GTK and make it Object Orientated (GTK+). Also around this time, due to the potential licensing issues with QT, Gnome was …
Differences that matter between GTK+ and QT? - Stack Overflow
Nov 13, 2010 · Qt's graphics view and scene system is awesome, GTK only has low level Cairo. Writing custom widgets seems easier with Qt, probably because of the OO design. I don't …
Which, if any, achieves Windows native look: GTK+, wxWidgets, …
GTK uses a theming API to fake the look and feel of the platform (custom theming engine on GTK2, CSS-based engine on GTK3). Qt uses styles to fake the look and feel of the platform. …
Gtk+ vs Qt language bindings - Stack Overflow
May 11, 2010 · I've used GTK and Qt in C++ and also PyGTK and PyQt in Python quite extensively. Qt beats GTK hands down - its a much more flexible, modern and clean API. GTK …
GTK+ or Qt under Windows - Stack Overflow
Jan 21, 2015 · I would prefer Qt. As today, Qt is Open-source and free under more permissive, LGPL license. Qt is better ported for Windows and looks more native than GTK. Gimp on …
How to tell what GTK and QT toolkits your applications are using
Mar 23, 2018 · So potentially on my system I have: GTK, GTK+, GTK2, GTK+ 2, GTK3, GTK+ 3, QT 5 So first of all I am unsure if for example GTK2 and GTK+ 2 are the same thing, so of the …
How to use a LibreOfficeKit GTK+ widget in QtCreator
Feb 28, 2025 · Note that it's usually discouraged to try to mix different toolkits. If you're actually creating a Qt application, you'll have issues dealing with two different event loops. Maybe …
wxPython vs PyQt vs PyGTK: when and what to use?
Oct 25, 2013 · Don't use PyGTK if you want cross platform compatibility. GTK3 doesn't work on windows yet (last I checked) and GTK2 has an awful memory leak under windows which has …