GS 2000+25 - Wikipedia
GS 2000+25 is an X-ray binary system in the constellation Vulpecula, consisting of a late K-type star and a black hole. It is also an X-ray nova. Because the black hole is more massive than the companion star, it is the primary of the system. The black hole has a mass of about 5 solar masses while the companion has a mass of about 0.5 solar masses.
V* QZ Vul - u-strasbg.fr
within arcsec The VizieR photometry tool allows for easy visualization of photometry points extracted around the Simbad position from photometry-enabled catalogues in VizieR. The search radius has to be specified by the user. It is currently limited to a maximum of 30 arcsec.
Optical studies of transient low-mass X-ray binaries. IV. A 10-hour ...
We present new CCD photometric observations of QZ Vul, the optical counterpart of the very soft X-ray transient GS 2000 + 25, obtained during the quiescent state in 1990 and 1991 in the Cousins I and R bands and in a broad band (VR) covering the 4700 7200 A region.
IAUC 6193: (2060); QZ Vul - Harvard University
QZ VULPECULAE P. A. Charles and J. Casares, Oxford University, write: "Optical spectroscopy of QZ Vul obtained with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma shows broad (FWHM 2000 km/s), double-peaked H-alpha emission superposed on the late-type spectrum of the secondary star, detected here for the first time and constrained to be in ...
[astro-ph/9911273] Measuring the Mass of the Black Hole in …
Nov 15, 1999 · We have used GRIM II on the ARC 3.5 meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory to obtain infrared photometry of GS2000+25 (QZ Vul). By modeling the SXT ellipsoidal variations with WD98, we can determine the orbital period and inclination of the system.
(PDF) Optical studies of transient low-mass X-ray binaries. IV - A …
Feb 28, 1993 · We present new CCD photometric observations of QZ Vul, the optical counterpart of the very soft X-ray transient GS 2000 + 25, obtained during the quiescent state in 1990 and 1991 in the...
The mass of the black hole in GS 2000 + 25 ( = QZ Vul)
The mass of the black hole in GS 2000 + 25 ( = QZ Vul) Abstract: We report the first infrared light curve of GS 2000 + 25. By modelling the brightness variations as ellipsoidal modulations of the secondary star, we find the mass of the compact object to lie between 4.8 and 14.4 M ⊙ (90 per cent confidence) for secondary masses ≤ 0.7 M ⊙ ...
QZ Vulpeculae - NASA/ADS
QZ Vul thus has the second largest mass function known amongst the blackhole x-ray binaries, after V404 Cyg (Casares and Charles 1994, MNRAS 271, L5)."
Dynamical evidence for a black hole in the X-ray transient QZ VUL …
Oct 31, 1995 · We report the first spectroscopic detection of the secondary star in the X-ray transient QZ Vul (=GS 2000+25). Cross-correlation of individual spectra against K-type templates yields clear...
The mass of the black hole in GS 2000+25 (=QZ Vul).
By modelling the brightness variations as ellipsoidal modulations of the secondary star, the authors find the mass of the compact object to lie between 4.8 and 14.4 M sun (90 per cent confidence) for secondary masses ≤0.7 M sun; this result is independent of the mass ratio, q.
- Some results have been removed