R-744 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant Fact & Info Sheet
May 19, 2019 · R-744 Carbon Dioxide is one of the oldest refrigerants in the world. Its first usage can be traced all the way back to the nineteenth century. Before the popularity of CFC and HCFC refrigerants Carbon Dioxide was one of the most widely used refrigerants.
R744 (CO2 carbon dioxide) | ARC Industry Site - arctick.org
R744 is pure carbon dioxide. You do not need an ARCTick refrigerant handling licence or a refrigerant trading authorisation to handle, sell or store this refrigerant. R744 has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1 and is non-flammable.
R744 - Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc.
R744 refers to carbon dioxide (CO2) when used as a natural refrigerant in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. This form of CO2 is known for its excellent thermodynamic properties and offers significant advantages over both traditional and alternative refrigerants. Key features of R744 refrigerant include:
R744 Refrigerant: What Is It & Why Is It Great? | Clade Engineering
R744 is a refrigerant grade of CO2 gas. It’s a natural refrigerant that’s very efficient and has a low global warming potential (GWP) of just 1. It’s also non-toxic and non-flammable, meaning it’s classified as a safety group A1 refrigerant.
R744 (CO2) | Product Information - A-Gas
R744 (CO2) is refrigerant grade CO2, used as a replacement for R134a and R404A in ultra-low, low and medium-temperature refrigeration applications.
R-744 Refrigerant Pros & Cons - Refrigerant HQ
May 24, 2019 · R-744 is seen as the ‘perfect’ natural refrigerant as it is climate neutral and there is not a flammability or toxicity risk. It is rated as an A1 from ASHRAE. While it is non-toxic there is still risk if a leak occurs in an enclosed area as R-744 will displace the oxygen in the room and could cause asphyxiation.
R744 - National Refrigerants Ltd
R744 is refrigerant grade Co2 is 0 ozone depleting, very low GWP and can be used in a wide range of refrigeration and A/C applications. Available in Liquid and Vapour. It must be noted that Co2 systems operate at high pressure and low critical temperature so special guidance must be followed in system design.
Linde’s R744 is a high purity gas that is over 99.99% purity, with a moisture content of less than 10 parts per million (by weight). Due to the extra work involved in meeting the demanding specification
Properties of R744 – general system and design criteria - BITZER
R744 is highly soluble in water. At a temperature of 15°C and a pressure of 1 bar, 1 dm³ of water dissolves 1 dm³ of R744. When dissolved in water, it is called carbonic acid. As a gas, it is chemically and thermally stable enough for use as a refrigerant. Physical properties: R744 is an odourless and colourless gas. The CO 2 molecule is not ...
R744 Refrigerant - Natural Refrigerant – Quality & Service – …
R744 CO2 has excellent thermodynamic properties and has significant advantages compared to classical and other alternative refrigerants. Please use the contact form to purchase R744.