Is RG 8 Foam Type Coax Cable The Best? - RadioReference.com …
Mar 30, 2008 · RG-8 is definitely better than RG-58. RG-58 is not TV cable, older cable would be RG-59 and newer stuff would be RG-6. TV cable (RG-59 and RG-6) is 75 ohm impedance, …
Which is a better coax - RadioReference.com Forums
Apr 8, 2023 · For 50 feet, I doubt you'll see much of a a difference with any of the coax you mentioned. Typically what I do is use a low-loss cable through the walls and up to a wall jack, …
Rg8 coax help - RadioReference.com Forums
Dec 17, 2011 · To help compare, Tandy RG-58 would be 4.8 dB of loss while RG-8 would be 2.2 dB of loss. Your choice would be (best to worst): #1 - LDF4-50A Heliax (0.75 dB of loss at 450 …
RG-8X or RG-8U - RadioReference.com Forums
Nov 15, 2011 · Okay I could try something in the area like that.I have another question,I have about 54 feet long RG-58 coax and 75 feet long RG-8U coax,which one would be better to use …
Wall plate with a 90 for RG8 - RadioReference.com Forums
Apr 30, 2006 · If this is just for receiving, it shouldn't pose a problem but if you plan on transmitting as well, you can either run the coax through a wall plate and go from there or you can pick up …
Coax: RG8UFoam, LMR400, LMR400Flex? - RadioReference.com …
Jul 23, 2015 · One thing others haven't mentioned (something to remember when talking about RG-8 coax) is that RG-8X or Mini-8 coax (smaller diameter, about 1/4 - 1/3") is no where the …
Recommended max length for RG8x cable? - RadioReference.com …
Jul 30, 2012 · For the same run length on the UHF ham band, good quality RG-8 has about half the loss of RG-8X. The cost isn't much more for real RG-8 than for the RG-8X. Remember that …
which coax to use?? - RadioReference.com Forums
Apr 12, 2011 · RG-8/U and RG-213 should be good for over 750 Watts in a 100 foot run at 150 MHz. It is going to be a very small percentage of the users out there who are in that power …
Hands down best RG8X? | RadioReference.com Forums
May 6, 2024 · LMR-240 is about the same size as RG-8X and often referred to as an "RG-8X" spec cable, although it has better performance than run of the mill RG-8X. RG-213 is RG-8 …
antenna / coax cable question | RadioReference.com Forums
Jul 30, 2014 · It came with a 50 foot RG 6 coax cable which is 75 ohms i have a uniden BC355n and in the owners manual it says when connecting a outdoor antenna use a 50-70 ohm coax …