RG系列射频同轴电缆技术参数 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Jun 3, 2021 · RG系列产品内导体主要采用铜丝或镀锡铜丝或铜包钢等材料,绝缘为 实心聚乙烯 、氟塑料发泡聚乙烯等,屏蔽层采用单层或双层铜丝 (或镀锡、镀银)编织,聚氯乙烯外护套。 RG系列产品主要应用于电视、通信、计算机、电子等系统的信号传输。 3.2电缆具有均匀的特性阻抗。 3.3电缆具有低损耗、低传输延迟、最小衰减。 RG系列射频同轴电缆 1、执行标准:美国军用规范MIL-C-17F《射频电缆》 2、产品描述: RG系列产品内导体主要采用铜丝或镀锡铜丝或铜包钢等 …
What are RG8 Coaxial Cables? - everything RF
Dec 19, 2022 · RG8 coaxial cables are a type of coaxial cable commonly used in telecommunications and networking applications. They are designed to transmit radio frequency (RF) signals over long distances with minimal signal loss.
DX Engineering RG-8/U 50-ohm Bulk Coaxial Cable DXE-8U
DX Engineering RG-8/U Bulk Coaxial Cable is a new age low-loss 50-ohm feedline with gas injected foam polyethylene dielectric and black vinyl jacket. This is not your grandfather's RG-8.
- Reviews: 44
RG8同轴电缆 | 射频同轴电缆|RF Cable Assembly
rg8同轴电缆,技术参数,电气性能指标,电缆结构,规格参数,工作电压耐压,截止频率,工作温度,导体绝缘屏蔽外被尺寸公差,弯曲 ...
RG8 Coaxial Cable - Allied Wire & Cable
RG8 coaxial cable is a relatively large diameter, 50-ohm coaxial cable. Its primary applications include broadcasting, amateur radios, and antenna feed cable. It is suitable for radio frequencies up to 4,000 MHz. Signal attenuation at 4,000 MHz is 23 decibels per 100 feet.
RG-8/U - 宜大電線有限公司
Application: Connecting electronic and telecommunications equipment; Connecting measuring instruments; Computer data communication.
RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (97% coverage), PVC jacket. Max. Recommended Pulling Tension. Max. Operating Voltage - UL 300 V RMS, 30 V RMS (UL AWM Style 1354) Max. Operating Voltage - Non-UL 300 V RMS. C = CRATE REEL PUT-UP.
DX Engineering RG-8X 50-ohm Bulk Coaxial Cable DXE-8X
DX Engineering RG-8X 50-ohm Bulk Coaxial Cable is a very flexible low-loss, gas injected foam dielectric feedline, with a braided shield and non-contaminating Type II-A PVC jacket, suitable for short run direct bury applications.
- Reviews: 163
DX Engineering RG-8/U 50-ohm Bulk Coaxial Cable
DX Engineering RG-8/U Bulk Coaxial Cable is a new age low-loss 50-ohm feedline with gas injected foam polyethylene dielectric and black vinyl jacket. This is not your grandfather's RG-8.
RG8 - 金信诺——信号联接技术创新者
结构参数 项目 材料 直径(mm) 1. 内导体 裸铜线 1.02 2. 绝缘体 发泡聚乙烯 4.57 3. 外导体 自粘铝箔+铝镁线编织 Nom.5.22 4. 护套 聚氯乙烯(PVC) 聚乙烯(PE) 6.91电性能参数 电容(pF/m) 52 阻抗(ohm) 75 传输速率(%) 85 衰减屏蔽(>dB)