So did the Romanian military have the carry handle on RPKs?
Sep 13, 2008 · This might help to show the handle was definately used: Troops conducting manuevers with RPK-74 with handle:
Looking for Romy RPK Carry Handle Assy. - forum.Saiga-12.com
Sep 7, 2012 · In the build process of my Romy RPK kit from Apex, on a CSS blank, and I just all of a sudden realized that this thing doesn't have a carry handle. I have Googled the crap out of it, and I can't seem to find one anywhere. Closest two items I can find are: 1) the Galil carry handle assy on Blackthorne's website for $130.00!!!!!! 2) the cheap copy that mounts onto any picatinny rail for $20.00 ...
Romanian AES-10B RPK carry handle - AK Rifles
May 1, 2023 · Hi. A friend at my local gun shop has 2 Romanian AES-10B's RPK'ish rifles. One is missing the carry handle though and I'm on the hunt for one. Please let me know what you have. Original would be desired but the (out-of-stock that I can find) repros would probably be acceptable. Thanks Adam
M72 Carry handle - AK Rifles
Jul 19, 2011 · I'm trying to find where I can locate a carry handle for an M72? From my own research, not first hand experience, I've read that the RPK had the carry handle, but the Yugo M72 did not. Is this so? Century has them on their M72 rifles and I do like the way it looks.
RPK style carry handle for an AR-15? - texasguntalk.com
Aug 17, 2016 · Search term RPK is the limiting factor Search: M60 Carry handle picatinny You'll get lots of leads with the M60 search. BTW it's a very few dollars very well spent. I have 3.
AES-10 B Carry Handle - AK Rifles
May 11, 2009 · I have been asking since last year for a carrying handle for one of my Romanian RPK.And I have yet to get one-Lots of promises-But no carrying handle as of date on one of my rifles :sad: .Time to move on and make one I guess-Frenchy :sniper: :bd: :50cal:
Romainian RPK carry handle | AK Rifles
May 26, 2023 · Looking for a Rommy RKP carry handle complete. Thank you.
Attaching a FN FAL or Galil Carry handle?! - forum.Saiga-12.com
Sep 25, 2010 · If I could I'd like to find a RPK style carry handle but I don't want to have to purchase a whole parts kit for one part! So my next step would be finding a surplus FN FAL or Galil Carry handle and fabricating something much like that of the RPK or Galils carry handle and incorporate it into the lower forearm.
Looking for a carry handle for an RPK, new\used\beatup...as long …
Feb 17, 2022 · Hello, I have an RPK im finally building, and it does not have a carry handle and that is something I want. I saw the AES-10 RPK Carry Handle if someone has that, new\\used let me know. If you just no where one is for sale, that works just as well. Thanks All!
RPK carry handle...Need some good Pics | AK Rifles
Jan 2, 2010 · The Romanian carry handle attachment extensiuon is more or less made from a flat strap material, and fits between the gap between the rear sight base and the barrel on the right side.