Rachel Cardell-Oliver - the UWA Profiles and Research Repository
I am currently Associate Professor (level D) and Head of Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at UWA. I am on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ad Hoc Networks and a professional member of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).
In 2014, Rachel founded School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe, an independent school hovering at the intersection of art, technology, design, and human connection based in Berlin, Germany. Her biggest desire is to see people living the lives they dream of living rather than the one they feel they ought to.
Rachel Uwa — School of Machines, Making, and Make-Believe
Feb 3, 2022 · Rachel is an artist, educator, and community organizer whose background is in audio engineering and vfx compositing. Over the past 15+ years she’s lived in and organized social justice and tech communities and events big and small.
Rachel Cardell-Oliver - Google Scholar
Amitava Datta Professor of Computer Science, University of Western Australia Verified email at uwa.edu.au
Rachel CARDELL-OLIVER | Professor (Full) | PhD - ResearchGate
Rachel CARDELL-OLIVER, Professor (Full) | Cited by 1,710 | of University of Western Australia, Perth (UWA) | Read 115 publications | Contact Rachel CARDELL-OLIVER
School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing - Profiles - the UWA …
Rachel Cardell-Oliver. rachel.cardell-oliver uwa.edu au; School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Head of Department, Professor; UWA Data Institute; School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre; Person: Teaching & Research
Rachel Uwa | Dara.network
Rachel Uwa, an artist and educator, is the founder of School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe in Berlin, Germany. She is an artist and educator with a background in sound engineering and visual effects.
Rachel Uwa · Oyoun | Kultur NeuDenken
Rachel Uwa, is an artist and educator with a background in sound engineering and visual effects. She founded the School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe in Berlin, Germany in 2014, an independent school hovering at the intersection of art, technology, design, and human connection.
Rachel Uwa - Project Administrator - NEC Group - LinkedIn
I am goal goal-driven, strategic, and efficient marketing professional with a knack for research, process and business administrative management, and good...
- Title: Market Researcher, Business …
- Location: NEC Group
- Connections: 55
Rachel Uwa - Creative Director - Chelinsworld | LinkedIn
My name is Rachel Uwa, a Brand strategist/ creative writer that manages,build and birth every Brand. I am here to tell a compelling story of your Brand that distinguishes ur brand from other...
- Title: Brand Strategist/ Creative writer
- Location: 54 followers
- Connections: 53
Rachel Uwa | Hacked by tokeichun
Rachel Uwa (US/DE) is founder of School of Machines, Making & Make Believe. Rachel is an artist, educator, and organizer whose background is in audio engineering and vfx compositing. Over the past 15+ years she’s lived in and organized social justice and tech communities and events big and small.
Interview with Rachel Uwa, founder of the School of Machines, …
Jan 13, 2020 · School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe was founded by Rachel Uwa. Rachel is an artist, educator and organiser with a background in audio engineering and VFX compositing. She’s also the editor of the art/tech zine ¡MEOW!
Rachel Uwa | School for Poetic Computation - SFPC
Rachel Uwa. Rachel is an artist and organiser working with diverse tech communities in Europe to create educational opportunities for those interested in learning to make and to code.
Rachel Uwa on running an interdisciplinary school... - School of ...
Apr 17, 2019 · Rachel Uwa on running an interdisciplinary school and being both an educator and a curious human. This week we interviewed the founder of School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe about what brought her to where she is now, what we can expect from the 2019 program and how she envisions the future of the School. Hi Rachel!
Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat mensen echt betrokken zijn? | HKU
Als oprichter van School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe, legt kunstenaar en docent Rachel Uwa zich toe op de verbinding tussen technologie en de menselijke beleving. ‘Technologie is op zijn best als mensen het gebruiken om te kunnen reflecteren op …
Lecture by Rachel Uwa of the School of Machines, Making
Oct 13, 2015 · Attend a lecture by Rachel Uwa, founder of the School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe(Berlin, Germany). Uwa is an artist and organizer whose background is in audio engineering and vfx compositing. Over the past 15+ years she’s lived in and organized social justice and tech communities and events big and small.
Rachel Lloyd - the UWA Profiles and Research Repository
Breast Cancer Genetic Research , Bachelor of Medical Science Honours, Identifying genetic variants associated with mammographic density, a strong and heritable breast cancer risk factor, The University of Western Australia. Award Date: 1 Dec 2016.
Associate Professor Rachel Cardell-Oliver - Research Week 2017
My research focuses on the use of technology to address environmental challenges such as reducing household water consumption, understanding water use by native Australian plants, and measuring the performance of rammed earth for sustainable housing in outback Australia.
Rachel Wicking - the UWA Profiles and Research Repository
Rachel is currently a lecturer at the University of Western Australia and holds the office of Professional Practice Coordinator (secondary education).
Rachel Standish - the UWA Profiles and Research Repository
My PhD research focused on the effects of an invasive weed on community and ecosystem processes within lowland forest remnants. I returned to Perth in 2004, where I joined Professor Richard Hobbs' research group at Murdoch University.