Radiant Wukong : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
Mar 18, 2022 · Chill guys, maybe on other region UW Skin is the on and off one (or maybe they're just wrong 🤓). For me, Radiant Wukong is the one that's missing at the store (SEA Region). I hope it comes back this Lunar Event 2023.
Which Wukong skin is the best? : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
May 30, 2022 · Im a new Wukong enjoyer and i was thinking on buying him a skin, but none of them seems good to me. Maybe Radiant wukong is the go to but im not sure, it looks kinda weird to me. What do you guys think?
BEST skin for Wukong : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
Jul 25, 2021 · Others will say Radiant as it's straight Journey to the West Wukong and has neat cloud effects. some people will say Lancer even though that one gets about as much hate (if not more) as Battle Academia. There are people who will stand by Jade Dragon, Volcanic, Underworld and even General Wukong.
what's the best wukong skin? : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
yea, but if you play wukong a lot, you could get that skin in Your Shop. I actually just got it in my most recent shop :D but personally the radiant skin is just absolutely beautiful and rather unique in its art style. Unfortunately none of his skins have chromas tho, but I …
New Epic skin: Lancer Stratus Wukong : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
Radiant Wukong, besides being older than my dissapointment of a son, it's really cool tho, and basically fullfills his themathic to the fullest by being Wukong after completing the journey, or basically SSJ Goku if you like DBZ.
Buying skin, what is your opinion. : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
Apr 14, 2016 · Radiant wukong feels a bit more bulky than the other skins and clasic skin i however like the homeguard animation a lot. I like underworld wukong because it's quite a rare skin and feels smooth. I think the animations in jade dragon wukong look the best, sharpest and the ult looks real great with the green particles.
Is Underworld Wukong Worth it? : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
I feel its worth it if you want a skin to go with Halloween. like for me I like to get all festive with skins for every holiday (Christmas skins for Christmas, Halloween skins for Halloween), or if you want a skin that is sort of opposite of Radiant Wukong to switch back and forth with.
Elderwood Wukong Compared with Radiant Wukong : …
Jun 19, 2023 · Black Myth: Wu Kong subreddit. an incredible game based on classic Chinese tales... if you ever wanted to be the Monkey King now you can... let's all wait together, talk and share everything and every news that will be released for this beautiful game! Wukong!
TIL:Radiant Wukong has an additional voice line
Jul 25, 2016 · To be fair in Journey to the West sun wukong didn't do much else other than beat the shit out of every demon that they encountered, he didn't exactly go down the "make friends" route except for Zhu Bha-Jie and the other guy no one remembers because he didn't do anything, and even in those cases it wasn't Sun Wukong who forgave them, it was the monk.
What is your favorite Wukong skin? : r/Wukongmains - Reddit
Jan 20, 2016 · Hey guys. Looking to buy a Wukong skin before Radiant is released in February. Although Underworld Wukong is not available I was wondering what the cleanest Wukong skin and your most favorite skin was between the current 3 available (jade, general and volcanic).