Ramesh Gangolli's Home Page - University of Washington
Ramesh Gangolli Office: C-542, Padelford Hall Phone: (206) 543-1150; (206) 525-7728 Fax: (815) 346-5369 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Address: Department of Mathematics University of Washington Box 354350 Seattle, WA 98195
Ramesh Gangolli - University of Washington
Ramesh Gangolli After taking his doctoral degree at MIT, he taught there for a year before joining the faculty of the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1962. Since then, he has been a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics, serving as Chair between 1981-85 and 1991-93.
Ramesh Gangolli . 1. THE SCALE. The intervals of the Hindustani scale are essentially the same as those of the western diatonic scale of just temperament. Musical notes are designated by certain names. However, the names do not refer to notes of fixed absolute pitch.
Math 497 Special Math Topics for Teachers - University of …
Instructor: Ramesh Gangolli Math 497 Topics for 1994-95 Autumn Quarter,1994: - Exploring Geometry with Dynamic Geometry Software. Instructor: James King Winter Quarter, 1995: Probability from the dice up. Instructor: Virgina Warfield. Spring …
Ramesh Gangolli 1. THE SCALE. The intervals of the Hindustani scale are essentially the same as those of the western diatonic scale of just temperament. Musical notes are designated by certain names. However, the names do not refer to notes of fixed absolute pitch. Having decided on the register and key in which the
Music428Home - sites.math.washington.edu
Gangolli, Ramesh Hindustani Vocal Performance, An Introduction Informal notes for a lecture-demonstration. Kaufmann, Walter, 1907-The ragas of North India. Bloomington, Indiana University Press [c1968] Kippen, James. The tabla of Lucknow , a cultural analysis of a musical tradition.
Brown Bag #3 (1995)
Of the sundry projects being undertaken, the largest by far in scope, magnitude and iffiness is an NSF grant for which Ramesh Gangolli, Jack Beal (College of Education), Gini Stimpson (Mercer Island High School), Rosemary Sheffield (UW Extension) and I put in an application in September.
Brown Bag #4 (1996)
During the past two week-ends, a number of faculty members and graduate students made it over to Port Ludlow to visit the orientation session of the NSF project which a bunch of us, including Ramesh Gangolli and myself, have just launched.
Newsletter #16 11/25/95 - University of Washington
The first was a report on the NSF proposal Ramesh Gangolli and I, together with Jack Beal from the College of Education , Gini Stimson from Mercer Island High School, and Rosemary Sheffield from Extension, submitted in September.
Dinner #6 - sites.math.washington.edu
Diners were Dave Collingwood, Ramesh Gangolli, Jack Lee, Randy Leveque, Doug Lind and Ginger Warfield, faculty, and Julie Harris, Mark Johnson and Eric Scott , graduate students. Its always nice to have a theory vindicated.