Cheat sheet: Rear curtain flash - Digital Camera World
Apr 25, 2022 · Rear- or second-curtain sync. In this mode, the flash fires at the end of the main exposure, not at the start. Any motion blur recorded at the start of the exposure will now trail behind the subject, creating a more natural result.
Rear Sync or Second Curtain Flash Explained
Unlike the standard flash mode, rear curtain sync flash will fire the flash at the end of the exposure, rather than the start. In this article we'll take a in-detail look at rear curtain sync flash, looking at how the resulting image differs to standard flash, and why and when you might want to use this flash mode.
How to: Make Magic with a Flash and Rear Sync - Photofocus
Jan 24, 2015 · The most powerful flash setting you have is the one that controls when your flash fires. This setting works for your pop-up flash, for a speedlight on your camera, and for any off-camera light you’re controlling. It’s called Rear Sync, or 2nd Curtain. What you need:
Rear Curtain Flash Sync Explained | The Camera Company
Aug 30, 2023 · In rear curtain sync, the front curtain opens. At the end of the one-second, the flash fires, and the rear curtain closes. Thus, with front curtain sync, the flash fires at the beginning of the exposure while in rear curtain sync the flash fires at the end of the exposure.
How to use Rear-Curtain Flash on your Nikon D-SLR - Nikon School
Rear-curtain flash or rear-curtain sync is the opposite of front-curtain flash, with the flash burst firing at the end of the exposure. If you're using a fast shutter speed on your camera you won't notice any difference between the front and rear-flash setting.
Understanding Rear Curtain Sync (What You Need To Know)
Nov 23, 2024 · Rear curtain sync is an effective way to shoot when shooting in low light situations and especially when using a flash. Here is how you do it.
What is rear curtain flash sync? - DIY Photography
Jun 21, 2023 · Rear curtain sync flash fires the flash toward the end of the exposure, rather than the beginning, during a longer exposure. Why do I need to use rear curtain sync? If the flash fires at the beginning of a longer exposure, it freezes a moving subject first and then captures any motion blur with the ambient light.
Flash Photography: Front Vs Rear Curtain Sync - Westcott …
When you have Front Curtain Sync on, the flash will fire when the first curtain opens at the beginning of the exposure. For Rear Curtain Sync, the flash will not fire until the second curtain closes at the end of the exposure.
Rear Curtain Sync - FlashGear.net
Dec 11, 2024 · This article will help you understand what rear curtain sync is, when to use it, and how it compares to front curtain sync, giving you the confidence to experiment and improve your flash photography. What Is Rear Curtain Sync? When using flash, most cameras are set to default “front curtain sync.”
Sony Global - α Lighting System | Rear curtain sync - Sony Asia …
Rear curtain sync clearly results in the most natural image with motion trails behind the moving subject. In normal flash photography the flash fires as soon as the camera shutter is fully open (front curtain sync). In rear curtain sync mode the flash fires just before the shutter closes.