Eared Grebe Identification - All About Birds
The most abundant grebe in the world, the Eared Grebe is a small waterbird with a very thin bill and a bright red eye. In the summer months, golden wisps fan out from their cheeks as they dance and run across the water courting.
Grebes Of North America
The Red-necked Grebe’s range spans from Alaska to the Great Lakes, extending down to the United States border. In the winter months, they may migrate to the Atlantic coast and can also be found along the Pacific coast, reaching as far south as California.
Western Grebe Identification - All About Birds
Setting off crisp black-and-white plumage with a yellow bill and red eye, the slender Western Grebe is an elegant presence on lakes and ocean coasts of western North America.
Eared Grebe - American Bird Conservancy
Both names refer to telltale ID features of this small waterbird, which is an eye-catching sight in its breeding plumage of black and rufous, set off by a wispy fan of golden plumes behind each vivid red eye. Its plainer winter plumage is a mixture of gray, black, and white.
Eared Grebe - eBird
Small, compact grebe with thin pointed bill. Breeding adults mostly black with chestnut flanks; look for wispy golden plumes on cheek and peaked head shape. In winter, grayish overall with a dark cap blending into the dark cheek, and a smudgy dark neck. Red eye visible at close range.
Eared Grebe Bird Facts - Podiceps nigricollis - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · Eared grebes possess red eyes and a short, thin black bill. During the breeding season, the head, neck, breast, and upper wings appear blackish-brown, hence their other common name, the black-necked grebe.
Bird Family: Grebe (Ducks) - Identification - Birdzilla
Sep 18, 2024 · The Western Grebe has black upperparts, hindneck, and crown, and white underparts. It has a pointed, greenish-yellow bill and red eyes. The eyes are usually enclosed by a black area of feathers extending down from the crown and forehead.
Eared Grebe - International Bird Rescue
A small, red-eyed grebe, these birds are gray and white throughout the winter months but become sleek black on top, chestnut underneath with golden feathers fanning out from behind their eyes during the breeding season.
40 Birds With Red Eyes of The World (with Pictures) - The Pet …
Here are some of the typical species where different red nuances make their eyes stand out. 1. Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus) are named after their red eyes. These small birds of The Americas show a dark red iris with a black line that runs from the beak to the eyes.
Eared Grebe Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
The most abundant grebe in the world, the Eared Grebe is a small waterbird with a very thin bill and a bright red eye. In the summer months, golden wisps fan out from their cheeks as they dance and run across the water courting.