Red rot - Wikipedia
Red rot is caused by prolonged storage or exposure to high relative humidity, environmental pollution, and high temperature. In particular, red rot occurs at pH values of 4.2 to 4.5. Sulfur dioxide converts to sulfurous acid which forms hydrogen peroxide.
Conquering the Dreaded Red Rot – Welcome to the blog of the …
Aug 30, 2017 · Red rotted leather is easily damaged. Here, bits have come off a series of books stored on open shelving. However foreboding the name, red rot is a fairly common type of leather degradation that most often occurs in bindings from the late industrial revolution onwards. Leather, like all organic material, breaks down and degrades over time.
How to treat red rot and other bad problems - PS Leather Craft
Feb 24, 2023 · Red rot is when leather has deteriorated over time and appears as a red "dust" on the surface of the leather. Although you see this on the surface of the leather, the deterioration goes deep into the fibrous structure of the leather.
Ask Dave: What is “Red Rot”? - Horn Matters
May 28, 2011 · “Red Rot” is commonly used to refer to any reddish patch of corrosion on a copper-based alloy, such as brass. However, this loose usage covers two distinct but related conditions, surface corrosion and deterioration of the alloy due to de-zincification.
Red rot - MediaWiki
Apr 26, 2021 · The term red rot refers to a process of leather deterioration observed commonly in vegetable-tanned leathers from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and infrequently in leathers from earlier periods (Kite and Thomson 2006:253).
What is red rot? Red rot is a commonly found form of acidic degradation that manifests as an orange-red powder on mid-19th to 20th century leather. As the deterioration progresses, it can result in delamination of the leather and partial or complete loss of the outer layer of the skin. The deteriorated leather has decreased thermal stability ...
SAA Dictionary: red rot - Society of American Archivists
Red rot is a type of deterioration particular to leather. It is common in leather bindings produced in the nineteenth century. The exact cause of red rot is unknown, but it is believed to be the result of acidic residue in the leather reacting to poor environmental …
What is Red Rot? Understanding and Treating Leather Book ... - YouTube
Red rot is a type of deterioration that can make leather powdery, brittle, and susceptible to damage. We explain the causes of red rot and demonstrate how to identify it in various types...
Red Rot - View topic: Trumpet Herald forum
Mar 6, 2017 · Red rot starts from the inside and corrodes out. It first shows up as rough spots on the inside of the pipe. As it grows, it starts to effect the finish, that is the red spots you start seeing if you have a lacquer horn or bubbles in the silver plate. As the work through, tiny holes appear.
RED ROT: Should You Be Scared? - YouTube
Feb 25, 2022 · This video explains what red rot is, how it happens, and if you should be scared. Here is the link to my website where you can view repair tools and instrum...
Red Rot - Identifying Damaged Materials to Send to Preservation ...
Feb 19, 2025 · Red rot is a type of leather deterioration. Leather books suffering from red rot are powdery and red-brown. Not much can be done to treat this condition (oiling does not help, but only makes more of a mess). One possible option is to put a protective cover on the book to keep the deterioration more intact.
Since as early as 1842, attempts have been made to understand, prevent, and treat the red rot of leather. While there have been achievements in the understanding of the causes and reactionary mechanism behind red rot, there remains no ideal treatment solution. Preventative
Red rot - CAMEO
Oct 3, 2022 · Red rot produces a powdery red surface accompanied by cracking, delamination and loss of strength. The deteriorated leather exhibits a low pH and low hydrothermal stability. It is thought to be due to nontannin plant residues.
Researcher aims to combat red rot in leather
Oct 1, 2009 · Red rot is the acidic degradation of vegetable tanned leather resulting in acid attack on both the collagen protein fibres and the vegetable tannins. The leather gradually turns into a red powder and, at present, it is an irreversible process.
Red Rot Disease In Sugarcane: Causes & Management
Feb 6, 2025 · Red Rot is one of the most destructive diseases affecting sugarcane, primarily caused by the fungus Colletotrichum falcatum (formerly known as Glomerella tucumanensis).
Consolidate and Repair: The Conservation of Books - Blogger
Jan 30, 2015 · For those of you who don’t work in a library, red rot is a degradation process found on leather bound books. It is characterised by a powdery layer on the surface of the book which, as archivists know, gets absolutely everywhere.
Red Rot of Sugarcane: Symptoms and Control | Plant Diseases
Symptoms of Red Rot of Sugarcane: The first external evidences of disease are the drooping, withering, and finally yellowing of the upper leaves. This is followed by a similar wilting of the entire crown, and finally the entire plant shows indications of disease and dies.
Aging Leather - Under Covers - The University of Chicago Library
This 19th century leather cover is weak, cracked and exhibits the phenomenon known as "red rot" that manifests in a powdery red layer of rotted leather under the cracking, paper-thin surface. This could be caused by use of sulfuric acid in the dyeing process.
Understanding Red Rot of Sugarcane: Causes, Symptoms
Red rot of sugarcane is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum falcatum, leading to characteristic red lesions on sugarcane stalks and significant economic losses in sugarcane production. What causes red rot disease in sugarcane?
Red Rot | Pests & Diseases - Plantix
Infected stalks have a dull color and show large red blotches on the surface. A longitudinal section of the stalk shows red rotten tissue in the otherwise white pith. In resistant plants, the red, diseased areas are often confined to the internodes.