Regifugium - Wikipedia
The Regifugium ("Flight of the King") or Fugalia ("Festival of the Flight") was an annual religious festival that took place in ancient Rome every February 24 (Latin: a.d. VI Kal. Mart.). Varro and Ovid traced the observance to the flight of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, in 510 BC.
Regifugium - NovaRoma
The Regifugium is a festival which is celebrated by the Romans every year on the 24th of February, and according to Varro and Ovid held in commemoration of the flight of king Tarquinius Superbus from Rome - a story of anger, rape, suicide, and revenge.
Mar 8, 2013 · During the late republic, the Fugalia, or Regifugium (February 24), was regarded as a kind of Independence Day, celebrating the expulsion of the last king from Rome and the beginning of the republic. However, the origin of this festival is likely something different.
Regifugium – Digital Maps of the Ancient World
The Regifugium, or “Flight of the King,” was an annual religious festival celebrated on 24th February to commemorate the expulsion of Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome, in 510 BC. Brutus’ Oath and Lucretia’s Death, c. 1763, by Gavin Hamilton.
Regifugium, le origini dell’antico cerimoniale nella Roma dei sette …
Il regifugium è un antico cerimoniale della religione romana che aveva il suo culmine nella fuga del rex sacrorum. L’unica certezza storica è che affonda le sue radici nell’età monarchica.
What does Regifugium mean? - Definitions.net
Regifugium. The Regifugium ("Flight of the King") or Fugalia ("Festival of the Flight") was an annual religious festival that took place in ancient Rome every February 24 (Latin: a.d. VI Kal. Mart.).
Greek & Roman Mythology - Tools - University of Pennsylvania
The fact that the Salii were present is recorded by Festus (s.v. Regifugium). Possibly their presence had the same significance as the ceremony of leaping, etc., performed by them in March, presumably with a view to driving evil demons away from the …
REGIFUGIUM – Roman Republic | Respublica Romana
Regifugium refers to “Flight of the King”. Ovid suggests this day was viewed by the Romans of the Republic as a kind of “Independence Day”, celebrating the expulsion of the tyrant Tarquin and the establishment of the ancient Republic.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890)
REGIFU´GIUM an annual festival at Rome on the 24th of February. On this day the REX SACRORUM offered sacrifice in the Comitium, and [p. 2.541] after the sacrifice hastily fled from the spot (Plut. Q. R. 63;. cf. Cal. Praen. March 24). That this was a symbolical flight is plain enough, but of what it was a symbol is not so certain.
Regifugium - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Regifugium. (historical) An annual festival on February 24 in Ancient Rome, commemorating the expulsion of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, in 510 BC.
Regifugium - Wikipedia
Il regifugium è un antico cerimoniale della religione romana che aveva luogo nei comitia calata il 24 febbraio, e aveva il suo culmine nella fuga del rex sacrorum. [1] La cerimonia è di significato oscuro già per gli stessi antichi; è comunque certo che affonda le sue radici in età monarchica.
Regifugium: meaning, definition - WordSense
Regifugium (English) Origin & history Latin, literally "Flight of the King". Proper noun Regifugium An annual festival on February 24 in Ancient Rome, commemorating the expulsion of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, in 510 BC. Synonym: Fugalia
Regifugium (February 24),2 these leap-year intercalations actually were introduced in the beginning of such things in their natural place at the end of the year.
Regifugium - Oxford Reference
Roman festival falling on 24 February (Ovid Fasti 2. 685ff., Plutarch Quaestiones Romanae 63 with Rose's notes) associated with the expulsion of the kings (reges). Of unclear origins: its calendar ...
Roman and Mesopotamian Eclipses: The Feast Days of the Regifugium …
Jan 1, 2014 · The same might be said of the relationship between the Babylonian sar puhi and Rome’s Regifugium. How can the latter possibly be independent of the former? And if it is not independent, how ever did it make the journey from Babylon to Rome?
Regifugium - ancientworlds.net
During the late republic, the Fugalia, or Regifugium (February 24), was regarded as a kind of Independence Day, celebrating the expulsion of the last king from Rome and the beginning of the republic. However, the origin of this festival is likely something different.
Lucretia’s Story in Literature and the Rites of Regifugium and …
The paper explores the intertwined narratives of Lucretia's story in Roman literature with the rites of Regifugium and Equirria, examining how these elements reflect historical contexts and literary influences.
Regifugium - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Sep 22, 2024 · In ancient Roman religion, Regifugium or Fugalia (King's Flight) was an annual observance that took place every February 24. The Romans themselves offer varying views on the meaning of the day. According to Varro and Ovid, the festival commemorated the flight of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius S
Regifugium - Oxford Reference
Regifugium Quick Reference Roman festival falling on 24 February (Ovid Fasti 2. 685ff., Plutarch Quaestiones Romanae 63 with Rose's notes) associated with the expulsion of the kings ( reges ).
regifùgio in Vocabolario - Treccani
regifùgio s. m. [dal lat. regifugium, comp. di rex regis «re» e fugĕre «fuggire»]. – Festa di carattere magico-religioso celebrata, nell’antica Roma, il 24 febbraio: elemento essenziale della cerimonia era la fuga del rex sacrificulus dopo il sacrificio che aveva luogo nel comizio.