Reactive arthropathy - DermNet
May 31, 2018 · Reactive arthropathy is also known as reactive arthritis. The triad of reactive arthropathy associated with inflammation of the bladder outflow tract (urethritis) and the eyes (conjunctivitis) was formerly termed Reiter disease or Reiter syndrome [2] and is commonly associated with mucocutaneous changes.
Acquired keratoderma
What is acquired keratoderma? Acquired keratoderma is a palmoplantar keratoderma that is NOT inherited as a primary genetic condition.
Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf - DermNet
References. Agrawal SN, Jane SD, Rawal AA. Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf in family. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2014 Nov;5(Suppl 1):S17-9. doi: 10.4103/2229-5178.144509.
Acrokeratosis neoplastica (Bazex syndrome) - DermNet
Acrokeratosis neoplastica, Paraneoplastic acrokeratosis, Bazex syndrome, Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica of Bazex. Authoritative facts from DermNet New Zealand.
Scaly skin diseases. Acute forms of psoriasis - DermNet
Reiter syndrome; Folliculitis; Investigations. Investigations indicated in acute forms of psoriasis may include: Skin swabs for bacteriology: to identify secondary infection (Staph. aureus and Strept. pyogenes) Throat swab for beta haemolytic streptococcus; Skin biopsy to …
Atypical mycobacterial infection - DermNet
What is an atypical mycobacterial infection? Atypical mycobacterial infections are infections caused by a species of mycobacterium other than Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative bacteria of pulmonary TB and extrapulmonary TB including cutaneous TB; and Mycobacterium leprae, the cause of leprosy.
Rheumatoid arthritis and the skin - DermNet
Rheumatoid nodulosis. Rheumatoid nodulosis affects males 30–50 years of age with recurrent joint symptoms, hand and foot intraosseous cystic changes, mild or absent systemic symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, positive rheumatoid factor, and a clinically benign course of multiple self-limiting rheumatoid nodules.
Skin diseases and conditions affecting body folds - DermNet
Skin diseases and conditions affecting body folds, Flexural rashes, Rashes of skin creases. Authoritative facts from DermNet New Zealand.
Scaly skin diseases. Psoriasis overview - DermNet
Reiter syndrome; Folliculitis; Investigations. In most cases of psoriasis, no specific investigations are required. However, on occasion the following may be useful: Skin swabs for bacteriology: to identify secondary infection (Staph. aureus and Strept. pyogenes) Throat swab for beta haemolytic streptococcus
Sarcoidosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Images - DermNet
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease characterised by granulomas in various organs. Treatment of cutaneous sarcoidosis may involve NSAIDs or glucocorticoids. However, erythema nodosum, the common cutaneous lesion, is usually self-limiting.