Bad bloatedness and nausea | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
Dec 29, 2023 · Does anyone have any effective remedies for pretty bad bloatedness and nausea. ... Gastrointestinal: IBS ...
brian nicholson detained in psyschiatric unit with me cfs for 3 …
Oct 19, 2015 · It has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms! Overview Information Brewer's yeast is a kind of yeast that is a by-product of brewing beer. Dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast often contain non-living, dried yeast. People use brewer's yeast to make medicine. Holds Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties
Oxalate Dumping - a Probiotic Solution? - Phoenix Rising ME/CFS …
Jun 6, 2015 · I am starting this thread for all of us to go on contributing with our experience. Dabbling in calcium redistribution on the one hand can bring huge benefits, but it will also release oxalates and be very painful. @adreno, @alicec, @Crux, @Gondwanaland, @JPV, @Sidereal, and others. Maybe you...
Chronic nausea | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
May 7, 2020 · I find herbal remedies sometimes help. I chew on frozen ginger pieces. They really do help! I drink peppermint tea, and sometimes a shot of brandy with honey helps. I have also tried black horehound tincture 3ml, and have felt a little bit of relief sometimes with that. With me, this nausea seems to alternate with ravenous appetite.
DISCUSSION: Bentonite Clay and acacia fiber shake
Sep 1, 2015 · @minkeygirl I don't have M.E. but have longstanding candida-like symptoms of the digestive tract, and IBS-C. There are two sort of categories of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Acacia is soluble fiber. Some people with IBS-C, who have slow motility of the upper GI tract, do worse if they increase their soluble fiber intake - in the short term anyway.
Gallbladder and Gallstones | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
Dec 11, 2010 · You might consider looking into liver/gallbladder flushes, which basically consist of drinking horrible quantities of epsom salts and then olive oil to open the bile ducts and stimulate the stones to be expelled, respectively.
DISCUSSION: Histamine as an inducer of symptoms in IBS
Aug 7, 2022 · Clinical studies support the hypothesis that histamine is an inciting factor in IBS for a sizable cohort. Antihistamine reduces pain in irritable bowel syndrome In a 12-week randomised trial, the team gave 28 patients the H1 antihistamine ebastine and …
DISCUSSION: What is your bowel tolerance of Vitamin C?
Jun 1, 2014 · High dose Vitamin C is one of the few remedies that helps me. My alternative dietician told me to take 1500mg every half-1hour till I get a bowel movement. I have constipation dominant IBS and high dose Vitamin C helps me survive that. Dr Goldstein had vitamin C infusions in his protocol. I always take non acidic Ester C
DISCUSSION: Could this be a parasite? (warning: long post)
Dec 18, 2016 · Another GP tested me for parasites and a blastocystis hominis infection was found. After trying some herbal remedies, I tried a combination of tinidazole and bactrim. After a few days of these antibiotics, my stools turned bright green for 1-2 days. After which, I instantly felt fantastic for the first time in years.
Why do I get excessive abdominal gas by eating meat?
Oct 14, 2011 · Try not to be put off by the title - IBS. A lot of IBS is misdiagnosed SIBO. The "cardinal" Sx for me is bloating and upper GI gas/burping, especially after eating. Simethicone (a generic and much less expensive form of Gas-X) might help until you can get an Rx. A pre- and post-Tx hydrogen breath test (not widely available and a bit of a pain ...