Rhodomonas - Wikipedia
Rhodomonas is a genus of cryptomonads. [1][2] It is characterized by its red colour, the square-shaped plates of its inner periplast, its short furrow ending in a gullet, and a distinctly shaped chloroplast closely associated with its nucleomorph. [3] .
Rhodomonas - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Pyrenomonas is the most accepted name, but some authors continue to use Rhodomonas; the generic names are synonyms. Cells may be red, brown or golden brown, in coloration. However, in freshwater collections we have encountered only red-colored forms. Cells have a short furrow and a deep gullet.
Phycokey - Rhodomonas - University of New Hampshire
Although still recognized by some phycologists/protistologists, others including Santore (1984) based on ultrastructural similarity to Cryptomonas and the apparent ability to undergo chromatic adaptation by changing the relative abundance of the phycobilins, one might consider Rhodomonas to be a synonym of Cryptomonas.
Pyrenomonadaceae - Wikipedia
Pyrenomonadaceae is a family of cryptomonads which includes three or four known genera. They are distinguished from other cryptomonads by their nucleomorphs being imbedded into the pyrenoid, and the presence of distinctive pigment phycoerythrin 545. [1]
Growth and fatty acid content of Rhodomonas sp. under …
Oct 1, 2020 · Rhodomonas sp. is used as feed source in copepod production processes because they contain high levels of the essential fatty acids for copepod development; both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) [[4], [5], [6], [7]].
Effect of pH on Rhodomonas salina growth, biochemical
Apr 6, 2022 · Rhodomonas salina is a microalgal species, belonging to the cryptophytes, and is widely used as aquaculture feed because of its high nutritional profile and phycoerythrin content. This study investigated the effect of pH on the growth, biochemical composition, and taste of R. salina when cultivated on a semi-large scale under natural light ...
Rhodomonas - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Rhodomonas. Identification Numbers. TSN: 10663. Geography. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. Footer Menu - Employment. Careers & Internships; Contracting; Footer Menu - …
Optimization of Rhodomonas sp. under continuous cultivation …
May 1, 2020 · Rhodomonas sp. does not contain a cell wall making the cells too fragile for conventional dry-weight methods where cells are filtered and washed with ammonium formate on a filter. An adapted dry-weight protocol was established for dry-weight determination of Rhodomonas sp. in this study.
The Rhodomonas salina mitochondrial genome: bacteria-like …
Aug 5, 2005 · Recently, we discovered a ‘hybrid’ mtDNA genome in the sense that it has both a highly compact gene arrangement and a single extensive repeat region. This bi-partite structure occurs in the unicellular protist Rhodomonas salina, a cryptophyte alga.
ITIS - Report: Rhodomonas
3 days ago · ITIS is made up of 11 active MOU partners committed to improving and continually updating scientific and common names of all seven Kingdoms of Life (Archaea, Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia).