Hornady Case Activated Powder Drop Binding | The High Road
Jan 22, 2018 · The case activated powder drop "binds" occasionally before releasing the powder. It has been cleaned a reassembled - and only does this when powder is actually in the unit. The powder is 25.6gr of 4064 into a .223. It seems to be binding and …
rifle case opinions | The High Road
Jun 25, 2011 · rifle case opinions. Thread starter plunge; Start date Jun 25, 2011; Status Not open for further replies. ...
A box to ship???? | The High Road
Dec 8, 2007 · In my case i've got a 50" long rifle to ship and cant find a box long enough to ship it in... Home. Forums.
New rifle - AI AXMC in 6.5x47mm Lapua | Page 2 | The High Road
May 1, 2019 · I'm assuming that with the rifle being an Accuracy International there is little clearance between the firing pin and firing pin hole? I don't know when AI made the change but short action AX rifles have a small firing pin. My older AW short action has a …
Best dependable Tactial rifle,Any opinions | The High Road
Oct 1, 2006 · I am considering a Tactical rifle for home protection and in the case of a SHTF scenario. I have decided on my side arm I am purchasing a springfield armory XD .45 acp. But I can't decide on a rifle I am torn between an ar15 type rifle and the springfield socom II. Any ideas and opinions would...
Movie scopes | The High Road
Aug 1, 2003 · I've seen a few movies where a shooter unpacks his rifle from a case, slides in the barrel, then places his scope at a right angle to the rifle and snaps it into place. Is this movie magic or does this setup exist? How does this affect accuracy and repeatability.
Is .300 Winchester Magnum the best choice for the U.S military's …
Apr 10, 2018 · It's been a proven favorite at Camp Perry for decades. I am sure they took factors like possibility of case separation, barrel life, rifle availability and ease of repairing and servicing, shooter fatigue during extended engagements, carrying weight of the rifle, etc. I …
Trunk Guns | The High Road
Jul 8, 2005 · After all the talk I've seen on here about truck guns (or trunk guns), I decided to put something together for my trip to the lake and any other long road trips. I don't have many rifles to choose from, a Romanian M69 is a wee bit small, my k31's sights are off, my chicom SKS is …
Is there any reason to go to max loads? | The High Road
Nov 30, 2016 · That's typically from the case head to about a fourth inch in front of the case head. Cartridge brass starts to extrude at about 80 some odd thousand psi depending on its metals and hardness. Yet many reloaders seeing case head brass starting to extrude back into bolt face cutouts think as long as it barely shows, the load is safe enough.
The Perfect Sniper Rifle | The High Road
Dec 1, 2016 · A set of back up metallic sights could be stored in the buttstock; just in case the optics got sick or died. Such a configuration will produce sub 8 inch accuracy at 1000 yards with new cases for the 1000 rounds of accurate life of the barrel. It's been happening since about 1970. No sniper rifle made today has that level of accuracy specs.