Roman Seals - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project
Seal 598 Roman quadriga in full gallop. The rectangular shape for a seal is unusual. Seal 607 Emperor Diocletian. Seal 644 Person doing something with, to or for a goat. Seal 650 Licinius, ruler of the eastern half of the empire from 308-324. This image shows him as stern, perhaps even mean. Seal 661 This item was
Roman seal on Christ's tomb — Logos Community - Logos Bible …
The Roman soldiers could have been at the arrest of Jesus as they were investigating what the Temple Guards were doing out so late at night and just followed along. Then the term "You have a guard" was just giving the Temple permission to guard the tomb. The seal could have been a Temple seal instead of a Roman one.
Roman Special Forces at Jesus' Tomb — Logos Community
(guard, Roman, solders) NEAR (tomb, sepulcher) 1902 hits in 625 articles in 286 resources (guard, Roman, solders) NEAR (tomb, grave, sepulcher, sepulchre) 2828 hits in 971 articles in 426 resources FGH: Your advice has been proved to be sound in the past will review the new hits [most I will be able to reject without opening the resource ...
Ancient Seals
Smyrna, Ionia, Roman Conical Lead Bulla Seal, 4th Century A.D. Similar civic seals bearing the city name and with this conical form are known from many cities, mostly in Ionia, including: Adramytion, Antandros, Ephesus, Hypaipa, Loadicea ad Lycum, Magnesia ad Meandrum, Mastaura, Nysa, Smyrna, Tavium, and Teos. AS115470.
Lead Seals - Classical Numismatics Discussion - Members' Coin …
ROMAN IMPERIAL LEAD SEAL-FIRST TETRARCHY First Tetrarchy, Diocletian and Maximian augusti and Galerius and Constantius caesares Roman imperial lead seal (bulla) The two augusti face to face, the two caesares face to face below, all draped and wearing radiate crowns 16x20x6mm 6.10g; Leukel N17-N23; Conical shape, extremely fine AD 293-305.
Byzantine Seals - forumancientcoins.com
Byzantine, Lead Bulla Seal, c. 6th Century A.D. Reading a block monogram of such complexity as on the present Byzantine seal can be maddening, like a quadratic or more complex polynomial equation whose solutions are all found to be reasonable.
Can it be a roman seal? Small, rectangular, with letters
Jan 15, 2022 · New & Reduced; Certified Coins
Roman seal on Christ's tomb - Logos Forums
Apr 14, 2011 · Most of my commentaries point back to Dan 6 and the lions' den sealing. Expositor's Greek Testament: ' The participial clause— σφραγίσαντες τὸν λίθον —is a parenthesis pointing to an additional precaution, sealing the stone, with a …
Roman seal ? help - forumancientcoins.com
Dec 8, 2020 · New & Reduced; Greek. Archaic Origins. Classical Fine Art
Roman seal - forumancientcoins.com
Feb 22, 2013 · New & Reduced; Certified Coins. Greek. Archaic Origins. Classical Fine Art