Wisp - Risk of Rain Wiki
The Wisps are able to concentrate their heat into a long range heat blast, capable of scorching anything in its path. On taking heavy damage, the fuel powering the Wisp detonates, sending …
Will-o'-the-wisp - Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
The Will-o'-the-wisp is a returning item in Risk of Rain 2. 1 second after the holder kills an enemy, a fiery blast spawns where that enemy died. The blast has a 12m (+2.4m per stack) radius and …
Greater Wisp - Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
The Greater Wisp charges two fireballs (one from each hand) for 2 seconds (scales with attack speed), which travel at 76m/s and disappear after 5 seconds. Each fireball explodes upon …
Ancient Wisp - Official Risk of Rain Returns Wiki
The Ancient Wisp is the highest known form of wisp on Petrichor V. It is an inanimate entity in the form of a menacing helmet and a dilapidated suit of armor engulfed by vivid purple flames. It is …
Lesser Wisp - Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
The Lesser Wisp is a returning floating mask monster in Risk of Rain 2 that is propelled by fire. It is part of the. Wisp monster family. Any single instance of damage that deals more than 10% …
How do I dodge lesser wisps. : r/ror2 - Reddit
Jul 31, 2021 · Lesser Wisps are one of the largest threats in the early game, having a near-hit scan attack, and it actually hits 3 times, not once, bypassing One shot protection entirely. With …
Will-o'-the-wisp - Risk of Rain Wiki
The Will-o'-the-wisp is an uncommon damage item in Risk of Rain. On killing an enemy, the player has a 33% chance on killing an enemy to create a lava pillar for 500% damage and …
Is there any way to dodge lesser wisps? : r/riskofrain - Reddit
Aug 26, 2023 · Lesser wisps are hit scan, it's very rare you will be able to dodge them. Never strafe them the way you would in an fps (never go right-left-right-left) - pick a direction and …
how do i deal with wisps in monsoon? : r/ror2 - Reddit
Aug 24, 2020 · Grab an on-hit or on-kill AOE effect, Ukulele and Will-o-the-wisp are obviously amazing, but even gasoline and sticky bombs will do. Their hitscan attacks can miss if you …
Ancient Wisp - Risk of Rain Wiki
The Ancient Wisp only deals damage through the delayed lightning columns that it summons. A tiny flame appears on the ground before they strike, making it very easy to dodge all damage …
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