Clark Gable's Model 12 - Trapshooters Forum
Jul 26, 2016 · Clark Gable served as a "Gunnery Officer" in a Bomber Wing in WWII and flew some combat missions. The story goes the Brass in AAF , although Gunnery Officers were required to fly a certain number of missions with the gunners they were in charge of, didn't want Gable to fly for fear he would be shot down, captured ,and used for enemy propaganda .
## Clark Gable and Roy Rogers ## | Trapshooters Forum
Mar 2, 2014 · Within the last few years Rock Island Auction co. sold some of Roy Rogers guns { I thought] the Clark Gable gun and a Win. Model 21 Grand American that the ATA gave him for being President a couple of years. A lot of Roy Rogers memorabilia has been sold the last few years because of the closing of the Roy Rogers museum in California.
## Clark Gable and Roy Rogers ## | Page 2 | Trapshooters Forum
Jan 28, 1998 · I sure wished there were "stars" like Roy and Clark around now. Clark Gable was in his 40s when WWII broke out yet he still flew a few combat missions over Germany. Roy was the good guy. I remember seeing him MCing the Circus when it came to town back in Indiana. Thousands of kids waving and shooting caps guns when he rode Trigger into main arena.
Aqua Sierra Sportsmans Club and Roy Rogers Sports Center
Mar 20, 2019 · On p. 25 is the story of Roy Rogers purchasing Clark Gable's Model 12; not lost playing poker as has been suggested The gun was sold by The Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Museum for $62,000 + $12,400 buyer's premium 6-2010 Important and Noted Winchester “Pigeon Grade” Model 12. From The Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Museum
Roy Rodgers Model 12 - Trapshooters Forum
May 24, 2008 · On the next page there's a picture of Roy Rogers pointing a Model 12. The picture is captioned "Roy Rogers draws a bead with his favorite Model 12 Winchester, which once belonged to Clark Gable". Roy is pictured beneath a statue of a rampant "Trigger". The entire article brings memories back of actors who were real shooters.
ROBERT STACK ....SKEET SHOOTER | Trapshooters Forum
Mar 15, 2010 · I, as had Hap, have shot with Roy Rogers. Another good shot and very nice man. I remember one day he shot my Perazzi with a release trigger and I shot his Model-12 that still had Clark Gables name on it. He had never shot a release trigger gun and didn't want to shoot it but one shot. In those days I was a "young" man in my 50's. Tom Strunk
Clay Shooting in the Movies | Trapshooters Forum
Apr 19, 2007 · In the movie "What a girl wants" a young girl goes to England to meet her father. The Father's mother speaks to the girl while shooting birds being thrown from a manual floor thrower.
federal clay & field vs top guns | Trapshooters Forum
Jul 11, 2022 · Reactions: grizquad, Rack-N-Roy, The Canuck and 3 others Save Share Reply Quote Like
Shooting glasses side shields - Trapshooters Forum
Jan 2, 2013 · Send me your address and I'll send you some free. Roy . Save Share Like. U. Unknown1. 3249 posts ...
How Many Winchester Model 12 in 28ga was made?
Apr 6, 2017 · I've seen the number 2900 used when discussing original 28 ga. Model 12's. I'm sure there are more MADE UP 28 ga M12's out there. Back in the early to mid 70's, we used to buy 16ga. guns for $100 or so and send them to Clark-- the famous pistol smith in Tennessee.