The P93dc - Ruger Forum
Feb 1, 2014 · I have been a volunteer at a MO State shooting range since 2000 and have never seen a P93. Lots of P94s and a thousand P95s, but a p93 is like a unicorn. I own a couple P95s (one is a decocker) and a P97DC, so I am a happy man, but I'd like to at least see a P93.
Give Me Some P93 Feedback - Ruger Forum
Sep 12, 2023 · I just acquired a like-new Ruger P93 in 9mm, and was looking for some feedback from P93 owners. (Yes, I’ve read many posts from older threads on the P93, but I would like CURRENT feedback from those of you that have been shooting your P93 for years.).
P93DC and P94 - Ruger Forum
Oct 26, 2020 · Both the P93 and P94 are planed a little lower on the top of the slide between the chamber and the rear sight, than the P89. The slide catch groove on the P94 is a tiny bit farther forward than the P93 (.06 inch). The P94 frame does not like the P93 slide. No way to lock it open and raise the ejector.
Ruger P93 DAO
Jan 20, 2016 · Ruger P93 DAO Jump to Latest 6.6K views 5 replies 4 participants last post by weblance Feb 3, 2016
Ruger P-93 | Ruger Forum
Oct 24, 2015 · The p93 is a great little pistol, it feels very similar to the p94. Its size and feel is almost identical to the 94 aka 944 in 40sw. I would say accuracy is par with the rest of the p series pistols.
P93 Purchase - Ruger Forum
Nov 13, 2022 · I was looking to get a P93 DAO and found a nice, like new one, on an online auction. Gun, couple mags, case, and book. From a reputable dealer, with all positive feedback. Claimed unfired. I quit bidding at $325 which did not include $40 shipping, sales tax, and 4% cc fee. Or LGS transfer...
P93 Compared to other P-Series - Ruger Forum
Apr 3, 2008 · The P93 is the exact same size as the P95 but has an alloy frame. It also employs the swinglink setup instead of the camblock on the P95. I love the P series guns and I feel that they all have thier own merits but the P93 is one of my favorites due to the size and the fact they are alloy framed. If you can find one I recommend it highly.
P93DC - Ruger Forum
Feb 11, 2019 · Finally got to the shop to pick up my P93DC. I was a little disappointed in the finish (at first). It just looks so different than any of my other stainless P pistols. I shot it, shoots fine. Went home and really got to wondering about the finish. …
p95 vs p93 - Ruger Forum
Apr 17, 2007 · Made a short rant in "the minefield" that brought me here. Should i go done this road, can anyone give me their opinions of these two weapons? I love my p90 and have had some range time with the p85/89. but i have never had range time with the 93 or 95. At this point i am leaning a bit more...
Custom grips and mods for the P93DAO - Ruger Forum
Mar 5, 2008 · Thanks, just ordered a package of 19lb springs for my P93. I will be ordering the grips later when I have more time. edit: got the grips ordered. can't wait till my new toys come in so i can install them.