Rye as an alternative cereal for animal feeds | Feed Strategy
Oct 24, 2022 · Based on personal contacts from Germany, Poland and Ukraine, it now possible to produce rye for animal feeding without much non-starch polysaccharides. In essence, new hybrids of rye can be considered equivalent to a mix of wheat and barley.
Forage 2025 | Winter Rye: Grazing, Forage and Feed
1 day ago · Rye is proving itself a dependable feed source on the Mahlstedt Ranch even in dry and challenging years in northeastern Montana. ... Zach Smith and Warren Rusche, SDSU Animal Science researchers, have been experimenting with feeding rye at the Southeast research farm, and Sexton said they have found that cattle do very well on it as long as it ...
Rye grain and by-products - Feedipedia
In addition to the grain itself, several rye by-products are occasionally used in animal feeding, notably rye bran, which is the by-product of rye millling, and rye distillers' grains, the by-products of whisky and ethanol production (Fuller, 2004).
Feeding Hybrid Rye Grain to Cattle - SDSU Extension
Mar 3, 2025 · Rye offers appealing alternatives to increase feed supply resiliency, as it can be grazed, ensiled, or cut for hay. Those approaches open up windows for a shorter-season row crop to be planted, resulting in greater production per acre. Rye can also be harvested for grain.
Feeding cereal grains to livestock: winter rye - AHDB
Winter forage rye can be used for early grazing of cattle and sheep but matures quickly and becomes indigestible and unpalatable if not grazed effectively. Strip-graze from late February onwards or when the crop is 15 cm high, moving the electric fence daily where practical.
Baling cereal rye for cattle feed: What were we thinking? - Farm …
May 18, 2018 · Last year, we sprayed the cereal rye and it rained 5 inches the day the chopping crew arrived. It kept raining and the rye turned to mush. We lit a match to that field and planted soybeans a month later.
May 30, 2017 · In the upper Midwest, cereal rye is a popular cover crop that can provide forage for beef cattle. But, an important key for successfully feeding cereal rye forage is to match the nutritional content of the forage with the nutritional requirements of the animal.
Cattle Chat: To feed or not to feed rye grain - News
Aug 26, 2024 · Growers make rye part of their corn-soybean crop rotation to boost yields, while ranchers needing an alternative feed might hay it for their livestock. Recently, a listener who plants rye as a cover crop asked the hosts of K-State’s Cattle Chat podcast if rye grain can be included in cattle rations.
Small Grains, Large Gains: Feeding Rye to Pigs
Oct 4, 2018 · Rye is commonly known by farmers in the Midwest as a cover or green manure crop. A small amount is grown as a grain, and an even lesser amount is being fed to pigs. Across Europe, pig producers include rye in feed rations for their grow-finish pigs, gestating, and …
Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Rye to Cattle
Feb 15, 2017 · Jim Larson, of Sioux Rapids plants a rye cover crop ahead of soybeans, then makes ryelage to feed to his beef cattle. Whenever Jim has harvesting questions, he contacts Pat Jones, a dairy farmer in Spencer, Iowa, who plants rye ahead of corn and has been making ryelage for 15 years.