SCP-166 - SCP Foundation
Mar 26, 2024 · Description: SCP-166 is a European female human in its late teens with ungulate features; possessing antlers, hooved feet, and a short tail reminiscent of Rangifer tarandus …
SCP-166 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Jan 18, 2013 · SCP-166 was raised by the nuns in a cloistered environment (her special nutritive needs provided by a local priest) until a young man (Subject A) who sneaked into the convent …
SCP-166 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2024 · SCP-166 is the focal point of an ontokinetic field that alters the properties and appearances of surrounding matter. Interviews with SCP-166 suggest that the purpose of this …
Does anyone else miss the old SCP 166? : r/SCP - Reddit
If only one partner in a sexual pair is exposed to 166's dander aphrodisiac, then any child produced under the effects will have random, deer-lukw features, but no other anomalous …
SCP-166 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
According to the nuns, she had originally been delivered to the convent by a "person of indistinguishable features" who claimed that she was the offspring of "an elder creature of …
Explain SCP 166 to me, I have no idea what her deal is
Sep 5, 2021 · The article itself was a scathing critique of the original 166, which got rewritten to be what it is now after 13 years. Read the original one if you must, but the short of it is that it was …
SCP-166 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Epon Meri Clef, classified as SCP-166 (" Just A Teenage Gaea ") by the SCP Foundation and KTE-9927-Blackchild (" The Daughter ") by the Global Occult Coalition, is a female teenager …
they are four versions of SCP-166 : r/SCP - Reddit
Jan 7, 2022 · Description: SCP-166 was originally obtained in a convent in Cornwall, England. The nuns had been keeping her happy with access to vast [DATA EXPUNGED] within. The …
SCP-166 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-166 est une humaine de sexe féminin originaire d'Europe, en fin d'adolescence, qui présente des caractéristiques similaires à celles des ongulés. Elle est dotée de bois, de …
166 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-166 is a human female in her late teens of unremarkable appearance recovered from the Convent in Cornwall, England. Medical examination has shown evidence of …
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