SCP-2245 - SCP Foundation
Oct 8, 2022 · Description: SCP-2245-1 is a 2 meter long quadrupedal mammal with dark brown hair. SCP-2245-1 possesses several traits found in other animals, including a prehensile trunk, tusks, retractable claws on front and rear limbs, large, circular ears, and …
SCP-2245 A Dream's Nightmare - The Dream Eater (Baku)
Oct 12, 2020 · This SCP Foundation wiki reading video is about SCP 2245 "A Dreams nightmare". This SCP closely resembles the mythical creature called a Baku. SCP-2245-1 is...
Any art for SCP-2245? : r/SCP - Reddit
Sep 26, 2020 · Any art for SCP-2245? I'm good friends with "Eastside Show SCP" on YouTube and he contacted me about 2245 asking if I could help him with what it looks like. Based on its description it sounds like an elephant with tiger/lion paws, ears of something else and maybe the fur of a mammoth?
SCP Series 3 - SCP Foundation
Mar 3, 2025 · Content Archives Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site.
SCP 2245 II Ăn Sóng Não Của Con Người Khi Họ Ngủ II Euclid - Nguy Hiểm
Feb 4, 2019 · Đây là kênh kể những câu chuyện kinh dị về tổ chức SCP và những SCP số hiệu từ 0 đến 3999 (http://www.scp-wiki.net/). Có một số video sẽ mang đậm chất kinh dị nên các bạn dễ bị ám ảnh...
SCP-2245 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-2245-1是一长有深褐色毛发的四足哺乳动物,体长2米。 SCP-2245-1具有数种其它动物的特征,其中包括一根具有抓握能力的象鼻,象牙,前后肢上可收缩的爪子,大而圆的耳朵,以及一条长而细的尾巴,其末端具有毛发。 SCP-2245-1的食道和消化系统不具有摄入及消化除水以外大部分常规食物的能力。 尽管SCP-2245-1其貌不扬,但其显示出拥有极高智能,在QPSI量表中得分为~65/73 1。 在未受刺激时,实体对研究员主要表现出积极、顽皮的态度。 实体表现出 …
SCP-2245 A Dream's Nightmare | object class euclid - Reddit
Oct 13, 2020 · SCP-2245 - A Dream's Nightmare (+90) by HotCocoaNerd. 680K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com.
SCP-2245 - Кошмар твоих снов
Описание: SCP-2245-1 представляет собой четвероногое млекопитающие с длиной тела 2 м, покрытое тёмно-бурой шерстью. SCP-2245-1 обладает признаками других животных, включающими хватательный хобот, бивни, выдвижные когти на обеих парах конечностей, большие круглые уши и длинный тонкий хвост с кисточкой на конце.
Форум — SCP-2245 - Кошмар твоих снов
Jul 17, 2019 · Форум » Обсуждение и знакомство » Обсуждение отдельных страниц » SCP-2245 - Кошмар твоих снов
49 Scary Pictures from the SCP World - eBaum's World
Sep 21, 2020 · An SCP which stands for, Special Containment Procedures or Secure, Contain, Protect is a form of a creepypasta. All of these scary pictures are art and not real pictures.
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