SCP-261 - SCP Foundation
Jul 9, 2022 · SCP-261 has no marks or identification of any kind, and no locals remember when or how it came to be in its current location. Internally, SCP-261 appears to be a basic vending machine equipped to vend food and beverage items.
Experiment Log 261 Ad De - SCP Foundation
Dec 10, 2024 · SCP-261 Powered or Unpowered: Unpowered, but powered on when item was being dispensed. Item Description: Thirteen twigs from a yew tree, with a purple wrapper depicting fairies bundling them together, text in an unknown language. Pictographic instructions indicated that twigs should be ignited before consumption, and consumed while burning.
SCP-261 - SCP Foundation
SCP-261 was brought to the Foundation’s attention after investigation of an “urban legend” about a “magic vending machine” that was circulating on the internet. SCP-261 was found in a back alley behind a large shopping center, with a hand-written sign …
SCP-261 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-261. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: Any access to SCP-261 must be approved by staff with level 2 security clearance or higher. Any and all items dispensed by SCP-261 must be recorded, along with the amount of money entered and the amount of time elapsed between uses.
SCP-261 Experiment Log Guidelines - SCPDeclassified Sandbox
The only time normal products are used in the log is at the very beginning, and that's because it's used to ease new readers into SCP-261's effects, but a log that's full of those starting tests isn't a very enjoyable read.
SCP-261 | SCP-Readings Wiki | Fandom
Any access to SCP-261 must be approved by staff with level 2 security clearance or higher. Any and all items dispensed by SCP-261 must be recorded, along with the amount of money entered and the amount of time elapsed between uses. Currently, SCP-261 …
SCP-261 - SCP基金会
通常,SCP-261是一台用来卖食物和饮料的普通贩卖机。 用一把自制的钥匙打开它的前盖后,在里面没发现异常物质,并且确认SCP-261中从来没有装入任何食物与饮料。 小键盘在连接及操作正确时,不会激活任何配给机制。 当钱被放入SCP-261并在键盘输入3位数的号码时,SCP-261将售出一种随机物品。 SCP-261不接受日元以外的任何货币,被拒绝的货币会被放在退币口。 未知这些物品如何出现;然而SCP-261在门被打开或是有记录设备放置其内时不会运行。 输入键盘的 …
SCP-261 - Межпространственный торговый автомат
Внутри SCP-261 представляет собой обычный торговый автомат для продажи еды и напитков. Специально сделанным ключом была вскрыта передняя панель, внутри не было обнаружено ничего аномального. Также выяснилось, что на лотках SCP-261 никогда не было ни еды, ни напитков.
261 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-261 is a 1 kg plastic jug, which contains a mixture of uranium metal, nickel metal and plastic. Testing with SCP-261 indicates that the uranium isotopes 238U and 238Pb also exist in an undisturbed state within SCP-261.
SCP-261 - NamuWiki
4 days ago · Installed from the early 1990s to 2018, the vending machine spit out a wide variety of sodas, unlike the Coca-Cola sign. It is said that products that were discontinued a long time ago and traded at high prices among maniacs popped up for only $1.
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