Keycards - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
The level 5 keycard is the highest keycard that can be obtained. Both this, and the Omni card, can access any rooms requiring a keycard. The level 5 keycard can be obtained:
Security Clearance Levels - SCP Foundation
Level 5 (Thaumiel) Level 5 security clearances are given to the highest-ranking administrative personnel within the Foundation and grant effectively unlimited access to all strategic and otherwise sensitive data.
SCP-914 how to obtain a lvl 5 card or an omni card. : r ... - Reddit
Jul 16, 2018 · - Upgrading a level 4 card in SCP-914 has a 100/75/66.7% chance of giving a level 5 card (instead of 66.7/33.3/25%); - Upgrading a level 5 card in SCP-914 to an Omni key card depends on the amount of achievements the player has.
SCP Foundation Secure Access Card Level 5 - amazon.com
"It’s a very high quality SCP card. I highly recommend getting it if you love anything SCP-related." Read more "
Security Clearance Levels | SCP - Containment Breach Wiki
Level 5 (Top Secret) [] Level 5 clearance is only granted to staff directly working under the O5 Council and staff that are essential to Foundation operations. Level 5 access is very rarely given out, as it grants relatively unlimited access to anything within the Foundation's knowledge.
Keycards | SCP Containment Breach: Multiplayer Wiki | Fandom
Keycards are crucial for humans (and SCPs) to move around the facility as they are the only items that can open keycard locked doors. There are six kinds of keycard , from level 1 to 5 plus a Omni-level keycard.
Level-5 Keycard | Roblox Minitoon's SCP Containment Breach …
The Level 5 keycard is the second most useful keycard in the game, with the best regarding usage being the Omni keycard. The Level 5 keycard can open all keycard doors in the facility, with the exception of the Alpha Warhead room, and the Developer offices.
r/SCP on Reddit: Can someone explain to me what the difference …
Mar 16, 2024 · However, an O5 Card would be one granting O5 level clearance (access to every SCP except the ones that are dangerous to even know about, or hidden from O5s), while an Omni grants access to EVERYTHING.
Ok, so I’m currently trying to get a level 5 key card in 914,
May 13, 2020 · You actually can upgrade a lvl 4 to 5 however even on safe it only has a 10% chance
Level 5 Keycard | SCP: Facility Lockdown Wiki | Fandom
There's only 1 variation of this Keycard. 1. O5 Council: This card is only obtainable by upgrading Site Director card on Fine in SCP-914 or by upgrading Security Bypass Chip on 1:1 in SCP-914...