SCP-3640 - SCP Foundation
Instances of SCP-3640-Alpha are predatory organisms that superficially resemble uniformed mascots associated with media properties owned by the Walt Disney Company mass media conglomerate (such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, and Goofy).
SCP-3387 - SCP Foundation
Feb 11, 2023 · The speaker, a man of indeterminate age and ethnicity in a grey suit with a Mickey Mouse pin on the lapel, matches no employment records of the Walt Disney Company nor the citizenship of any known country. Efforts to identify and locate this individual are ongoing.
SCP-1928-KO - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1928-KO is an anomalous phenomenon related to 'Mickey Mouse,' the anthropomorphised black-and-white cartoon character in the 1928 Walt Disney Company production "Steamboat Willie". SCP-1928-KO causes Mickey Mouse to be inserted into records such as photos, drawings, and literature.
SCP-3640 - Escape From The House of Mickey Mouse - YouTube
Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation KETER Class object, SCP-3640 - Escape From The House of Mouse Animation.
Explain suicide mouse as an scp : r/ExplainLikeImSCP - Reddit
Dec 3, 2020 · Leonard Maltin (The first viewer of the tape) wanted to see mickey mouse unseen footage, but encountered 1931. After Leonard saw the 2nd part of the tape, He shot himself with a nearby guard pistol muttering "Real Suffering Is Not Known". 2K subscribers in the ExplainLikeImSCP community.
SCP-7032 (Suicide Mouse) | Fan Made SCP’s Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-7032 resembles the famous Disney mascot Mickey Mouse in his 1935 style. He wears White Pants with buttons and grey big shoes.
SCP-5753 - SCP Foundation
Oct 22, 2022 · At the end of a tunnel containing roughly six dioramas, the boat halts and the guests are confronted by a screen displaying an animation of Mickey Mouse and Goofy as French peasants preparing to kill an aristocratic Donald Duck via guillotine.
What are some SCPs that are from mickey mouse : r/SCP - Reddit
Sep 24, 2022 · What are some SCPs that are from mickey mouse Tip of My Tongue Ive seen one but ive forgotten the number,name and its all costumes in florida
SCP-3640 - Escape From the House of Mouse - YouTube
SCP 3640 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as Escape From the House of Mouse. SCP-3640 are tourist brochures. SCP3640 advertise self-guided tours of areas associated with urban legends,...
Mickey mouse could kill Scp-682, hear me out : r/SCP - Reddit
May 29, 2022 · In the mickey mouse clubhouse show mickey has a robotic companion called toodles, who provides him with whatever he needs to accomplish his goal for that day, and it works in every single episode. So Mickey could theoretically set his goal to kill 682 and toodles would provide him with whatever he needs to defeat 682. This thread is archived