SCP-682 - SCP Foundation
Oct 10, 2024 · Description: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure.
SCP-682 - Villains Wiki
Due to the lack of a singular canon in the SCP universe, there have been several stories telling the origins of SCP-682. The readers are free to choose whatever origin for their head canon. In the tale Dust and Blood, SCP-682 is the offspring of the Scarlet King. [7] .
Origins of S.C.P. 682? : r/SCP - Reddit
May 4, 2017 · SCP-682 was made in its original form, ready to gnash and destroy all it could. But it too has been significantly revised over time. Originally, it didn't have the interview log and had a weaker description.
SCP-682 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-682 was born as the son of the Scarlet King. It was one of the numerous leviathans that sprang from A'zieb, the king's fourth bride. Because their wounds had healed and their hides were impenetrable, her children were supposed to be like her in …
Does anyone know the original pictures of the old SCP-682 images?
Curiously, 682's usage of this picture as its reference is what makes this thing so popular, otherwise it would be relatively unknown outside cryptid circles. For more info, and stuff on other globsters, here's a video that talks about it (& SCP, sortof) by TREYtheExplainer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B_jGC3TeZU&ab_channel=TREYtheExplainer
What’s the origin of 682’s images? : r/SCP - Reddit
This Cryptid is the direct inspiration for SCP-682. The "carcass" image was used to show what it looked like in a more destroyed form. The most likely explanation for this cryptid is that it's a decomposed whale.
SCP-682 | Character Profile Wikia | Fandom
SCP-682, also referred to as "Hard-To-Destroy Reptile," is a massive reptilian like creature that appears in the SCP Foundation. The real name of SCP-682 is Atanti-ql-Paneu, SCP-682 is a large beast of unknown origin, somewhat reptile-like.
SCP-682 - Know Your Meme
Dec 15, 2024 · SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure.
What is the true origins of SCP-682 (or how many origins ... - Reddit
Dec 17, 2017 · One theory is that 682 is a child of the scarlet king. Another is that he is an Egyptian soul eating demon. I remember another about a skip that had inhabitants describing a beast that was trapped with them then escaped, that could be 682.
682 Origin story - SCP Foundation
Jan 28, 2014 · Outline of the basic idea: 682 is actually a foundation researcher/agent from the future, where the foundation managed to clone 682 (himself) and placed (put/injected/inserted) his mind/consciousness/brain into the clone as a sort of future 'project olympia'.