Test Preparation & Career Center | SHL Direct
SHL's Neurodiversity Information Hub for Candidates offers comprehensive information and resources with the goal of creating a more inclusive assessment experience for Neurodiverse Talent. Find Out More
Practice Tests and Assessments - SHL
SHL practice tests and example questions to help you prepare for an upcoming employment assessment.
Example Questions | SHL Direct
Once you are happy, move on to the practice section to test yourself. The best type of practice you can have is to do our full-length online practice tests.
Numerical Reasoning - Example Questions | SHL Direct
Numerical Reasoning In a numerical reasoning test, you are required to answer questions using facts and figures presented in statistical tables.
Verbal Reasoning - Example Questions | SHL Direct
In the example below, determine whether each statement is true or false, or whether you cannot say, given the information in the passage: Launch Example Questions
About Assessments | SHL Direct
The SHL Talent Measurement Solutions team is committed to supporting candidates with disabilities. During the Assessment When completing assessments online, read through the instructions carefully and complete any practice and example questions you are provided with.
Inductive Reasoning - Example Questions | SHL Direct
Inductive Reasoning An inductive reasoning test measures abilities that are important in solving problems. They may also be referred to as abstract reasoning tests or diagrammatic style tests.
Checking Test - Example Questions | SHL Direct
In the example below, each question shows you a piece of data on the left side. You must match this to the correct data from a list on the right side, which contains similar – but not identical – samples.
Accessibility Support | SHL Direct
SHL is committed to supporting candidates who would benefit from accessibility support (e.g. neurodivergent candidates and candidates with disabilities) who apply for jobs with organizations using our assessments.
Tes Latihan | SHL Direct Indonesia
SHL Direct. Lakukanlah Tes Latihan Tes kemampuan dan kuesioner kepribadian merupakan metode-metode yang telah terbukti untuk mengevaluasi kualitas-kualitas yang dibutuhkan dalam kesuksesan kerja, seperti memecahkan masalah, berkomunikasi secara efektif, serta dalam menjadi inovatif dan kreatif.