前煞升級煞得好 SYM GTS300i ABS 制動升級版 - Mobile01
Mar 14, 2017 · SYM 三陽機車 GTS300i 秉持著較休旅柔順的外觀設計,與超大座位下置物箱空間,在黃牌速可達銷售量中一直有著不錯成績,後續更進一步推出 ABS 版本與 Sport 版本,今年上市的新款 GTS300i ABS 除了維持以往諸多方便機能,像是 USB 充電埠與 DC+12V 車充埠均俱備以外,更將前輪制動系統大幅度提升,從原本的固定式對向四活塞卡鉗,改為與 Maxsym 同等級的輻射固定式對向四活塞卡鉗,前輪碟盤也改用浮動式碟盤,以對應更平均且穩定的煞車效果。
SYM GTS/Joymax 300i evo - Motorcycle Specifications
Level up: GTS has been modified from 250 up to 300. 2. Fashionable look: Large twin head light as phoenix eye lighting its unique style. 3. Excellent handling: 1440 mm a long wheel base length, it offers high stability for high speed. 4. Large storage: luggage box is …
GTS300i ABS – SYM | Engine of life
RV world‘s most wild three-dimensional lines, sculpted sharp cut succinct, neat dividing body texture, a road that is instant kill all the attention. Sound engineering optimization, purification annoying traffic noise vibration; double keel structure …
GTS 300i ABS sport 消光黑之不專業開箱 (文多圖多,傷眼請見諒) …
Jul 14, 2016 · 比較了SYM RV270、SYM GTS 300 i ABS、SYM GTS 300 i ABS sport、AEON ELITE 300E等四款車,就很喜歡GTS 300 i sport版的短風鏡造型與紅色車縫線座椅,當時兩款GTS 300 i價格都是21.5萬,硬是比AEON 300E貴了將近9萬元,畢竟新手駕駛,對大羊還不熟悉 (其實也是成本考量),先暫時捨棄GTS 300 i sport,轉而入手AEON 300E (順便支持一下國產新品牌),就這樣,購入了人生第一台大羊速克達。 AEON 300E騎乘六個月、約3,000 KM的里程 …
SYM - GTS 300i ABS Start & Stop EURO 4(2017) SCOOTER
Price, specifications, videos, photos for motorcycle / bike: SYM GTS 300i ABS Start & Stop EURO 4 2017 263,7cc SCOOTER
Sym GTS 300i ABS - im Test - Zweirad-Tests - motorline.cc
Mar 24, 2014 · Dem taiwanesischen Roller-Hersteller Sym gelang mit dem GTS 300 ein Treffer - ohne ABS. Das wird in der neuesten Version nun nachgereicht. Klein, wendig und flott unterwegs: Noch keine zwei...
Sym GTS 300i ABS 2013 - Moto-Station
Sep 4, 2013 · Aujourd’hui pour 600 € de plus que le modèle de base, Sym, propose l’ABS sur son maxi-scooter GTS 300i. Performant et peu intrusif ce nouveau système antiblocage ? La réponse est là !
SYM GTS/Joymax 300i evo (2014) technical specifications
SYM GTS/Joymax 300i evo is produced in 2014. Engine is Single cylinder, 4-stroke, 4-valve, SOHC, FI, displacement 263.7 cc / 16.1 cub in. , produces power 17.2 kW / 23.3 hp @ 7500 rpm and 24.1 Nm / 2.04 kgf-m / 17.8 ft/lbs @ 5500 rpm.
SYM - GTS 300i F4 ABS(2015) SCOOTER - motostop
The Sym motorcycle GTS 300I F4 ABS of 2015, is a Scooter bike. Model Year: • 2016 • 2015 • SCOOTER
GTS 300i ABS Start & Stop EURO 4 – Sym
symphony st 125 lc abs; new . jet14 evo 125 l/c; new . jet14 evo 125 l/c abs; jet x 125; jet x 125 abs tcs; adx 125 abs tcs; 150 – 200. new . symphony 200; symphony st 200 top-box; new . jet14 evo 200; wild 160 tcs; 300 – 600. joyride 300 16″ tcs; new . adx 300 tcs; cruisym a 300 tcs; new . maxsym 400 gt tcs; new . adxtg 400 tcs; maxsym ...
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