Diona: Sacrificial and Favonius, a rotation-based analysis of
Before R5, using Sacrificial bow for average energy recharge is the generally worse option for the whole team compared to a modestly invested Favonius build. However, it could be better …
Sac bow vs favonius : r/YelanMains - Reddit
Oct 21, 2022 · Is there a reason I'm missing, for which I see favonius warbow recommended more often than sacrificial bow? I find that I don't encounter any ER issues with sacrificial bow and …
Anyone tried sacrificial bow on fischl? : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
Got a sacrificial bow from the gacha earlier, tried using it on fischil and making loops of oz (skill with the bow effect -> burst -> skill) and paired it to xiangling. But aside the Oz loop, i still feel …
Sacrificial Bow can reset Childe's E with this trick
Nov 12, 2020 · When you melee an enemy with Riptide debuff, it takes about 0.5 seconds to actually trigger the Riptide Slash. If you quickly switch back to bow stance before the Riptide …
Is the Sacrificial Bow good? : r/GenshinImpact - Reddit
Jul 20, 2023 · Yelan with Sac Bow can be great for damage, less so for general battery (while it's fantastic for her since it replicates her BROKEN AS SHIT C1, it's less so for her team which is …
Favonius or Sacrificial Bow for Support Ganyu? : r/Genshin_Impact
Jan 13, 2021 · Sacrificial Bow Her Elemental Skill damaging twice, and land 2 (or 3 with c2) lotos make a LOT OF DAMAGE (and double of elemental CRYO particle), besides Sac.bow has …
Which bow is better on Diona? : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
Jan 4, 2022 · Sac bow is best when her shield is more important than her burst or when you have a cryo carry who needs battery-ing. Favonious is best when her shield isn't as important as …
Sacrificial Bow vs Favonius Warbow : r/DionaMains - Reddit
Mar 4, 2021 · Fav bow has higher energy return comparing to Sac bow, considering the crit condition for bow can be cheesed by weak point charge shot. Though the need of high …
Which weapon is better for Venti: Sacrifical Bow or Favonious
Dec 15, 2020 · I think Sacrificial Bow could be better used on other characters. Venti’s skill cooldown is already so short that he doesn’t need the effect. I mean, triggering two skills back …
Sacrifical bow 4 vs 1 Favonius for Fischl sup? : r/Genshin_Impact
Oct 21, 2020 · Sacrificial has a better attack stat I believe so I would just go with that. Having more uptime on Oz is also more beneficial than generating more energy particles imo …