Spear It Animal - YouTube
After buddy boating like kings and queens around the Caribbean for 8 months living our dream life, we acquired a sinking sailboat, and the tides have turned DRASTICALLY... Follow along as we...
Velella - Wikipedia
Velella is a monospecific genus of hydrozoa in the Porpitidae family. Its only known species is Velella velella, [2] a cosmopolitan (widely distributed) free-floating hydrozoan that lives on the surface of the open ocean. It is commonly known by the names sea raft, by-the-wind sailor, purple sail, little sail, or simply Velella. [3]
Sail | animal anatomy | Britannica
The sail was presumably formed by elongated vertebral spines connected by a membrane containing many blood vessels. The skull of Dimetrodon was high and narrow, and the region in front of the eyes was…
Neural spine sail - Wikipedia
A neural spine sail is a large, flattish protrusion from the back of an animal formed of a sequence of extended vertebral spinous processes and associated tissues. Such structures are comparatively rare in modern animals, but have been identified in many extinct species of amphibians and amniotes.
Sailfish - Wikipedia
The sailfish is one or two species of marine fish in the genus Istiophorus, which belong to the family Istiophoridae (marlins). They are predominantly blue to gray in colour and have a characteristically large dorsal fin known as the sail, which often stretches the entire length of …
Purple sail | Cnidarian, Jellyfish, Sea Anemone | Britannica
Purple sail, (genus Velella), any of a genus of floating marine animals usually classified in the order Siphonophora (class Hydrozoa) and characterized by a saillike pneumatophore, or gas-filled float.
ADW: Velella velella: INFORMATION
The sail, which is situated on a diagonal to the long axis of the Velella's body, is found to be diagonal in the direction of the northwest to southeast on specimens cast upon northeast Pacific beaches.
Tall spines and sailed backs: A survey of sailbacks across time
Jun 21, 2014 · One of the quintessential depictions of prehistoric times is that of an ancient, often volcano ridden, landscape full of animals bearing large showy sails of skin stretched over their backs. Sailbacked animals are rather rare in our modern day and age, but back in the Mesozoic and Paleozoic there were sails a plenty.
Sailfish - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts
Everything you should know about the Sailfish. Sailfish is a large, popular game fish in the marlin family, with a large sail on its back.
10 Sailfish Facts - Fact Animal
Sailfish are a billfish, which are a group of fish with pointed bills, and includes the swordfish and the marlin. Sailfish have a sword-like upper jaw twice as long as its similarly pointed lower jaw. The sailfish is a species from the same family as the marlin, which it can be mistaken for to the untrained observer.