Sardinella - Wikipedia
Sardinella is a genus of fish in the family Dorosomatidae found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are abundant in warmer waters of the tropical and subtropical oceans. Adults are generally coastal, schooling, marine fish but juveniles are often found in lagoons and estuaries. [3] .
Round sardinella - Wikipedia
The round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Sardinella found in both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. [ 2 ] S. aurita went through a large boom in catch population around 1990.
Sardinella - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sardinella longiceps or Indian oil sardine (Family Clupeidae) is a small fish with maximum size 28 cm (FishBase, 2017). This species is a planktivore and feed diatoms, dinoflagellates and copepods. It contributes 15% of total marine catches in India.
The sardine (Sardinella aurita) has a sub-cylindrical elongated body, flattened sideways and with a rounded belly (Fig. 1). The length of sardines is generally 12-15cm at maturity, but can reach up to 28cm in some instances, being one of the largest Sardinella species, and …
Round Sardinella Fish: Characteristics, Diet, Uses - ROY'S FARM
Aug 26, 2024 · The Round Sardinella fish is a small, pelagic fish species that prefers to inhabit warm waters. It is commercially exploited in a large portion of it’s range in the eastern Atlantic, and a smaller portion of the western Atlantic.
Amblygaster sirm - Wikipedia
Amblygaster sirm, the spotted sardinella, also known as the northern pilchard, spotted pilchard, spotted sardine, and trenched sardine, is a reef-associated marine species of sardinellas in the herring family Clupeidae.
The biology and ecology of tropical marine sardines and
Apr 10, 2021 · Most research on tropical clupeid biology and ecology in the Indo-West Pacific is concentrated on the Round-bodied Sardinellas (S. longiceps and S. lemuru) from a few major fishery locations; other species-groups have been studied sporadically across their distributions.
3. SARDINELLAS - Food and Agriculture Organization
Sardinellas are in actual fact just a by-catch as the main target species is the bonga shad (Ethmalosa spp.). Senegal. The fishery targets sardinella with an emphasis on the round sardinella. The industrial pelagic fishery has been dominated these past few years by the presence of chartered, Russian purse seiners and pelagic trawlers.
Most research on tropical clupeid biology and ecology in the Indo-West Pacific is concentrated on the Round-bodied Sardinellas (S. longiceps and S. lemuru) from a few major fishery locations; other species-groups have been studied sporadically across their distributions.
Sardinella - Animalia
Sardinella is a genus of fish in the family Dorosomatidae found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean. They are abundant in warmer waters of the tropical and subtropical oceans. Adults are generally coastal, schooling, marine fish but juveniles are often found in lagoons and estuaries.