SCAR vs. AR - A Detailed Quantitative Comparison
Jan 6, 2013 · I read it long ago before the SCAR started really "rubbing off" on me. This review compares the bolt, bolt unlocking, bolt carriers, bearing surfaces, action springs, temperature …
SCAR VS. AR15 > Rifles > AR15.COM
Jan 3, 2012 · If your going with 308 I would go with the SCAR 17. If you are sticking with 5.56/223 then I would stick with an AR. To me the difference between an AR and a SCAR 16 are not …
scar vs ar-15- educate me | Maryland Shooters Forum - Weapon ...
Sep 22, 2017 · Yes, the SCAR is superior. Only downside is that it's a bit heavy. The Scar is it's own platform; different than the standard using some proprietary components. Although the …
"SCAR vs AR; A (very) detailed look..." - I now consider the SCAR a ...
Apr 11, 2011 · Scar = Plan 9 and AR = UNIX. While its undeniably better and clearly superior. It is not revolutionary enough or cost effective enough to supplant the dominant AR platform.
Is a SCAR an AR-15? | [March Updated] - TheGunZone
Apr 30, 2024 · What is the difference between a SCAR and an AR-15? The main difference lies in their operating systems and design, with the SCAR using a gas-piston system and the AR-15 …
Best 5.56 Rifles That Are Not AR-15s - Pew Pew Tactical
The rules are simple when it comes to selecting 5.56 rifles that aren’t AR-15s — it must be in 5.56 and can’t be an AR-15. We’re also keeping to guns that you can actually find out in the wild, so …
- Reviews: 1.5K
Why do people like the fn scar-l when the ar-15 platform is lighter ...
Jul 24, 2023 · Why do people like the fn scar-l when the ar-15 platform is lighter, more modular (in most cases), cheaper, less clunky, and shorter? The scar-l just seems like a waste of money …
Is the scar 16s the right choice? Considering to swapping my ar …
Mar 31, 2024 · Long story short saw a scar 16s nrch at my lgs and shit looks and feels great. I do want it but not too sure if it can replace (mostly) my ar from a performance standpoint. Price is …
AR-15 Alternatives: The World of AUGs, BRENs, CETMEs, SCARs …
May 21, 2021 · When looking for a dependable 5.56 NATO or .223 Rem caliber carbine, there are tons of viable options to stand apart from the standard AR-15 crowd and live your best tactical …
Next-Gen Rifles and SCAR-Killers - RECOIL
Feb 10, 2021 · FN made the SCAR in both 5.56mm and 7.62x51mm (the latter dubbed the SCAR-H), but later came up with a common receiver conversion for the SCAR-H when 5.56 models …