Scathophagidae - Wikipedia
The Scathophagidae are medium-sized or quite small flies with a body length of 3.0 to 12.0 mm. The body is slender, especially in males, usually with an elongated, cylindrical abdomen. Many scathophagids appear more robust, however, due to a dense pubescence. Body colour ranges from yellow to black; some species are glossy, but never with a ...
Family Scathophagidae - Dung Flies - BugGuide.Net
Jan 19, 2024 · Family Scathophagidae (Dung Flies) Synonyms and other taxonomic changes misspelled 'Scatophagidae' in some sources (a taxon with that name is a family of fish)
Scathophagidae, commonly known as dung flies, are a family of small- to medium-sized flies. They are often associated with animal excrement, where many of their larvae develop. Despite their unsavory association with dung, these insects play critical roles in ecosystems by helping with the decomposition of organic materials.
SCATHOPHAGIDAE A small family of Calyptrate flies with 55 species in 23 genera recorded from the British Isles. Smith (1989) reports 360 species in 66 genera worldwide, and I have been able to find reference to 407 described species (also in 66 genera) although synonymy makes it difficult to be certain of such figures.
Scathophagidae - GBIF
Scathophagidae Common names Dung Flies in English Dung Flies in English Dung Fly in English Dung Fly in English Møgfluer in Danish drekvliegen in Dutch dung flies in English dung fly in English dung-flies in English kolvflugor in Swedish åkerfluer in Norwegian Bokmål åkerfluger in Nynorsk, Norwegian
Scathophagidae – Cuchnicowate - Insektarium
Ubarwienie od żółtego, przez zielonkawe, szare i brązowe do czarnego. Skrzydła przezroczyste, niekiedy plamkowane i przyciemnione. W Polsce co najmniej 70, a wg innych źródeł 76 gatunków. Zwykle pokryte gęstymi włoskami lub szczecinkami małe i średniej wielkości muchówki.
Dung flies (Scathophagidae) - Picture Insect
Dung flies (Scathophagidae). The Scathophagidae are medium-sized or quite small flies with a body length of 3 - 12 mm. The body is slender, especially in males, usually with an elongated, cylindrical abdomen. Many scathophagids appear more robust, however, due to …
Entirely pale yellow species (abdomen sometimes darkened, or reddish, after death) with a cluster of strong vibrissae directed forward and downward and another cluster of 3-4 strong bristles below the eye on the posterior part of the jowls. Abdomen and thoracic dorsum usually black (sometimes more extensively pale in Cordilura albipes).
Scathophaga - Wikipedia
The genus Scathophaga are small to medium sized predatory flies that for the most part, have larvae that feed on other insect larva within animal dung or decaying vegetable matter. Many are highly variable, sometimes producing small, infertile males that superficially resemble females. [1] .
Scathophagidae - Dung flies | NatureSpot
Scathophagidae - Dung flies. Only a few species of the genus Scathophaga pass their larval stages in animal dung. The name probably derives from the Common Yellow Dung-fly, S. stercoraria, which is one of the most abundant and ubiquitous flies …