A Berber or a Schneider? - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Aug 31, 2015 · The 2 species are frequently mixed up. Berber Skinks are from Morocco which stopped legal export of wildlife back in the 1990's. Schneider Skinks kind of filled the void. Both have similar coloration but Berbers get much more robust in size. Berbers are very scarce in captivity though are a little more available in Europe than in the states.
Schneider or fire skink breeder. - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Jun 25, 2014 · Hi there I'm located in Canada, very interested in getting a fire skink or schneider skink. Looking for someone in Canada or someone that can ship to canada preferably not over $200 shipping. I don't mind the gender, younger would be better but I'm not picky, doing a lot of research on them. Comment here or PM me, thanks! :3
Schneider's skinks! - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Mar 25, 2021 · True Berber skinks are all but non existant here in the US. I've seen them one time in person at my friend's shop. They are larger and not at all as personable as their cousins, the Schnieder's. Many times Schneider's are labelled as Berber's which is incorrect. A true Berber's would more than likely cost you more than an BTS.
Sexing schneider skinks - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Post by Schneider » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:57 am Does anyone have an accurate way to sex schneider skinks? I have a lone one at the moment and i found one at a pet shop I'm interested in but i don't wanna buy it and then be stuck with two of the same gender since they're hard to …
Which substrate is the best for my BTS? - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Oct 3, 2015 · The answer can depend on which species skink you have, and what the conditions are like where you live. So I've broken down some of the more common ones used with reptiles. Note that when you put your skink on a new substrate, even if it’s a perfectly safe one, you have to watch both your skink and your skink’s poop for any signs that he ...
Schneiders skink rehab! - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Apr 5, 2014 · Schneiders skink rehab! Post by Roarschak11 » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:24 am Even though this is against my best decision, me and my boyfriend have decided to take home a very emaciated schneiders skink who has, more then likely MBD, among other issues.
Can Skinks Eat Freshwater Snails? - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Jul 8, 2011 · In this forum all are welcome to ask blue tongue skink-related questions, share information, ideas, tips, experiences, and pictures with fellow BTS enthusiasts. If you are wondering if your BTS is acting normally or might be sick, this is where you can get help with that.
Did some thinking.... - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Mar 2, 2011 · Instead, I've been doing research on Schneider's Skink and theres a chance I might just get one . I found a site thats entirely about their care and it seems like they'll be a good choice. I've heard some of them can become quite tame but not as tame as a BTS but that's fine with me . Other herps I'm also debating on either a Crested Gecko or ...
Burrowing substrate? - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Jun 16, 2017 · As July approaches I await the birth of a baby skink! So excited for July-ish and the birth of a baby Northern! Anyway, I had a question about substrate. I was going to use a mixture of Coconut fiber and repti-bark and keep it semi moist so its not dusty. I use this setup for my Salamanders (including large water bowls) and they LOVE to burrow ...
Apr 9, 2015 · I have the opportunity to obtain a pink tongue skink and am wondering if aquatic ramshorn snails are acceptable as their main snail food source? Are aquatic snails accepted by skinks in general? I breed my own ramshorns for puffer food, so would have a constant supply. Hoping someone can help and share their snail experience. Thanks in advance.