RAL 7001 Silver greyRAL 7002 Olive grey
RAL colours: The restrictions on the cover sheet of the RAL card in the Schüco colour app (e.g. info RAL colours Schüco ColourChart (App 02.2017)) and the explanations about Schüco standard colours apply.
Overview of all RAL colors | RALcolorchart.com
On this website you find all RAL colors (2,831). RAL Classic is the most well-known and widely used system, with RAL 9010 (pure white) being the best-known RAL color. The RAL Design and RAL Effect systems offer more color variations than RAL Classic.
The colours shown only represent a selection. Other colours are available upon request. RAL 3032 RAL 3032 Grey blue Metallic Grey 1 satin finish Grey 2 satin finish RAL 7016 Anthracite grey RAL 7035
Schüco catalogue - schueco.com
The Schüco BIM Catalog is the selection tool for your suitable solution in the areas of façades, windows, doors, sliding systems and solar shading from Schüco. Quickly find the downloads you need or start your search for the right system based on technical features - depending on which project phase you are in. Schüco BIM catalogue.
Please be aware that the colours shown in this app are only an approximation of the actual colour shades that can be achieved and are provided merely as a sample. It ...
Boje ALU profila - RAL karta, PUGB ALU i PVC stolarija, Dugo …
Plastifikacija aluminijskih profila danas je najzastupljeniji način zaštite aluminija i metala, a s druge strane ima veliki izbor boja. P.U.G.B. je moderna i sofisticirana tvrtka sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom i naglaskom na kvalitetu proizvoda i brzinu isporuke.
RAL colours: The restrictions on the cover sheet of the RAL card in the Schüco colour chart (e.g. page 6, chart 07/12) and the explanations about Schüco standard colours apply.
Schüco colors | Window colors | Windows | Feneste
The colors of the leaf and the frame of the Schüco profiles perfectly match the appearance of the entire building. A wide selection of veneers allows you to finish the window according to your individual style. High-quality smooth, wood-like and structural veneers are available.
umfangreichen Foliensortiment bringt Schüco reichlich Farbe in die Welt der Kunststof-Fenster und -Türen. Die Farbskala der RAL-zer. fizierten, qualitativ hoch-wertigen Dekorfolien reicht von k. assischem Weiß bis zu kräftigen Farbnuancen. Aber auch fein strukturierte Holz.