single word requests - How to use term describe `out of scope` …
Mar 21, 2019 · I divided into 2 parts. in scope out of scope By nature of startup. I am hired to do on a specific tasks by contract, but in the up front job. I have a chance to do out of scope task as well. This is good for developing my skillsets and I take it as a part of growing up. Question: What is the best fit in writing instead of using out of scope job?
Word similar to "Extracurricular" related to a career instead of school
Feb 7, 2017 · The word I'm looking for might have this definition: not falling within the scope of a regular work life; specifically: of or relating to organized activities unassociated with the company one works for Essentially, non-work hobbies that one has during the period of life when a person holds a job and is no longer in school.
Word or phrase for all changes to an employee’s …
For example, one may hold the designation of “Accountant” and belong to “Staff” level. He is then promoted/upgraded to the level of “Senior Staff”, but is still an accountant and his job scope remains the same. Thus, his role is effectively unchanged even though he has been "promoted".
Is there a word for someone who has others do all their work for …
Mar 20, 2014 · EDIT In answer to the question title Is there a word for someone who has others do all their work for them? this is trickier. The question implies that this person is idle, lazy and in the fortunate position of having more than one person available to perform these duties or jobs. The word, boss, a tongue-in-cheek solution which was suggested in the comment section, …
What does "wrt" mean? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
What is the meaning of wrt in the following text? I think this is an excellent idea, but I'd like to see this explicitly reframed under the banner of providing Drupal.org data through publicly-
synonyms - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
I have been using the following sentence for all my official communication, but I have become bored by its monotony. With reference to the subject above I am looking for a total change over of my
adjectives - What is a noun for "one who is responsible"? - English ...
Oct 15, 2015 · Probably depends on what the responsibilities are. "Technical lead" is a typical term for the chief technologist in charge of some particular aspect of work.
What is the origin and scope of usage of the phrase "So long...." …
Dec 5, 2012 · I don't think that this question is answerable by consulting a "general reference." Etymology Online (the source cited in Matt E. Эллен"s comment above) offers a review of competing origin theories, with no examples of actual early instances of the phrase for context. In a preliminary Google Books search, the earliest instance of "So long for now" that I could find …
meaning - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jan 26, 2015 · This question does not appear to be about English language and usage within the scope defined in the help center.
Are English Wikipedia articles written in British English (BrE) or ...
May 10, 2022 · Wikipedia allows multiple languages for its articles. But how about dialects? English has multiple varieties. How does that work at Wikipedia? It's one thing to know the policy that Wikipedia has a...