Scorpiomon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Scorpiomon is a sea scorpion Digimon that is tan with orange markings. Like Anomalocaris, it has a pair of compound eyes on stalks in addition to a pair of blue eyes, a disk-like mouth lined with serrated prongs, and two large 'arms' with barb-like spikes in front of the mouth.
Scorpiomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Scorpiomon is an enemy Digimon in Area 5. Evolves from Meramon, Gekomon, Sealsdramon, Sangloupmon, Thunderbirmon, Snimon or Dobermon when the requirements for the other evolutions are not fulfilled.
Scorpiomon | Digimon Encyclopedia | Digimon Web | Digimon …
Scorpiomon possesses a voracious appetite and predatory skills befitting a creature that stands at the top of an ancient food chain. It captures foes with the feelers growing from its head, then finishes them off with the sharp blade sprouting from its tail.
Scorpiomon - Villains Wiki
Scorpiomon (also known as Anomalocarimon in the Japanese version and Ancrustamon in the Finnish version) is a minor antagonist in Digimon Adventure 01, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers, Digimon Xros Wars, and the reboot of Digimon Adventure.
SkullScorpionmon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
SkullScorpionmon is a bipedal skeletal scorpion (Mesobuthus martensii) with three eyes and black markings on its body. It has two pairs of legs with red tips on its torso and its chela has red dactyls.
Scorpiomon - Digimon - Digimon Wiki - Grindosaur
Scorpiomon possesses a voracious appetite and predatory skills befitting a creature that stands at the top of an ancient food chain. It captures foes with the feelers growing from its head, then …
Scorpiomon X | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Scorpiomon X is an Ancient Crustacean Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. Having survived in the intensely competitive Net Ocean since ancient times, Scorpiomon took in all the elements within the ocean into its carapace and acquired its camouflage ability "Ghost Surprise", which is...
Scorpiomon | Digimon Saviors Wiki | Fandom
Scorpiomon is a Crustacean Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the Anomalocaris, and whose English name is derived from the sea scorpion. It is the ultimate form of Crabmon, digivolved from Ebidramon, and Anx's partner.
Megchan's Digimon Encyclopedia: Scorpiomon
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Scorpiomon | Digipedia | Digimon World 2 | MetalKid's Site-o-Stuff
This Digipedia Detail page lists all of the data available in Digimon World 2 for the digimon Scorpiomon. Information includes rank, type, specialty, skill, stat gains, locations, evolutions, DNA Combinations, and images.