SCP-1356 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1356 is a small bath toy, resembling one of several generic "rubber duck" designs. Tests indicate that the object is made of plasticized polyvinyl chloride. It is designed to emit a sharp "squeak" when squeezed. When held by a human subject, the object appears to displace liquid water.
Log of Anomalous Ducks - SCP Foundation
Oct 11, 2024 · Note: Following Incident F-19 and the recovery of SCP-1356, Research Sector-09 was charged the evaluation and containment of resultant anomalies. Testing is ongoing, as relevant subjects are still being retrieved.
SCP-1356 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-1356は小さい浴室用玩具で、一般的な"ゴムのアヒル"のデザインに似ています。 実験により可塑性のポリ塩化ビニルでできていると判明しています。 絞られると、鋭く"キー"と鳴るよう設計されています。 人間の被験者によって持たれた時、オブジェクトは液体の水を移動させるようです。 被験者が玩具を持って、例えば湖やプールに入ろうとすると、身体から約152.4×81.3×45.7cm伸長した領域内の水がすべて消えていることに気づきます。 小さな屋 …
SCP-1356 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Mar 18, 2012 · Description: SCP-1356 is a small bath toy, resembling one of several generic "rubber duck" designs. Tests indicate that the object is made of plasticized polyvinyl chloride. It is designed to emit a sharp "squeak" when squeezed. When held by a human subject, the object appears to displace liquid water.
SCP-1356 - Резиновая уточка
Описание: scp-1356 - игрушка для ванной, внешне похожая на обычную "резиновую уточку". Согласно данным исследования проб материала, объект сделан из пластифицированного ПВХ.
scp-1356-橡皮鸭子 - 哔哩哔哩
Nov 4, 2020 · 项目编号 :SCP-1356. 项目等级 :Safe. 特殊收容措施 :SCP-1356被放置在Research Sector-09储存设施的一个小盒子内。除非得到批准否则不得移走或运输。 描述 :SCP-1356是一个小型的澡盆玩具,设计类似于那些“橡胶鸭子”。测试指出项目是用增塑聚氯乙烯制成的。
SCP Series 2 - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; ... SCP-1355 - House of Harmonious Boxes; SCP-1356 - Rubber Ducky; SCP-1357 - The Children's Park; SCP-1358 - Northern Lights; SCP-1359 - Indulgence in Flesh; SCP-1360 - PSHUD #31;
SCP-1356 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-1356. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-1356 is to be kept in a storage locker at Research Sector-09. Laconic Description: SCP-1356 is a rubber duck that displaces any water around its holder.
Anomalous Ducks | The SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
Note: Following Incident F-19 and the recovery of SCP-1356, Research Sector-09 was charged the evaluation and containment of resultant anomalies. Testing is ongoing, as relevant subjects are still being retrieved. Those items which display anomalous characteristics of a disruptive or...
SCP Foundation: SCPs 1300 to 1399 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-1356 is a small rubber duck that, when held by a human subject, displaces liquid water in the approximate area of a moderately sized bathtub. Tests reveal that approximate volume before and after exposure to SCP-1356 remains consistent.