After two years in prison, Seat Kocan seeks pardon - Free Press
Sep 20, 2021 · Convicted businessman Seat Kocan, who has so far served just over two years in prison for four years and eight months in the "Trust" case for excavation of tailings in REK Bitola, is seeking pardon from the state, Alsat reported, citing its sources.
Seat Kocan - Facebook
Seat Kocan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Seat Kocan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
Macedonia Court Orders Businessman’s Arrest Over Tender Fix
Mar 10, 2017 · A court in Skopje has ordered big businessman and media baron Sead Kocan – who is known for close ties to former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski – to be arrested and put in detention for 30 days...
Sead Koçan was admitted to the hospital, submitted a new
Seat Koçan, who was finally accused in the "Trust" case, submitted a new request to the PSP to postpone the prison sentence for health reasons. "Regarding many questions from journalists related to the imprisonment of one of the persons convicted by law by …
Maricic proposes to President Pendarovski to partially pardon Seat Kocan
Dec 17, 2021 · The Minister of Justice Bojan Maricic proposed to the President Stevo Pendarovski a partial pardon for the convicted businessman Seat Kocan, ie to have his last six months of imprisonment lifted, Alsat reported, citing an official document from the Ministry of Justice. Get the most important news, free on Viber Kocan was convicted of a crime… Maricic proposes to President Pendarovski to ...
“Trust”, Seat Koçan është arratisur nga vendi?! - KOHA
Mar 10, 2017 · Policia është vënë në kërkim të biznesmenit Seat Koçan, i akuzuar nga Prokuroria Speciale në rastin “Trust”. Alsat M mëson jozyrtarisht se afaristi dhe pronari i ndërmarrjes Transmet dhe televizionit Nova ka braktisur shtetin dhe ndodhet në arrati. Ministria e Brendshme ka marrë vendim nga gjykata dhe do të veprojnë sipas vendimit që Seat Koçan […]
Seat Koçan merret në pyetje në Gjykatën Penale – Almakos.com
02 March Sead Koçan për momentin po merret në pyetje në Gjykatën Penale. Prokuroria Speciale Publike kërkon paraburgim për Koçan dhe për drejtuesin e firmës Sileks Nemetali. “Transmet SHPK-Shkup”, “Sileks Nemetali” nga Kratova dhe “Vato SHPK” nga Studeniçani janë tre kompanitë që ngarkohen nga Prokuroria Speciale për përfitimin e …
Sead Koçan elusive for justice bodies - Telegrafi
The Public Prosecutor's Office requested the cancellation of detention for businessman Sead Koçan, who has been on the run for almost a month, Telegraph Macedonia reports. Katica Janeva, on the other hand, requested the withdrawal of Zvërlevski's request, explaining that only she is competent for the cases arising from intercepted conversations.
Seat Kocan Profiles - Facebook
View the profiles of people named Seat Kocan. Join Facebook to connect with Seat Kocan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share...
Катица Јанева, Сеат Кочан и екссудијата Панчевски барале …
May 4, 2023 · Поранешната шефица на згаснатото Специјално јавно обвинителство, Катица Јанева, некогашниот претседател на Основниот кривичен суд Скопје, Владимир Панчевски, и бизнисменот Сеат Кочан се обиделе да го искористат ...
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