Setnakhte - Wikipedia
Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte (also called Setnakht or Sethnakht) was the first pharaoh (1189 BC – 1186 BC) of the Twentieth Dynasty of the New Kingdom of Egypt and the father of …
Setnakhte - Explore Luxor
Setnakhte was the first king of Egypt’s 20th Dynasty, which was the New Kingdom’s final dynasty. This is the king’s birth name, which meaning “Victorious is Set, Beloved of Amun Re” when …
Setnakhte - Ancient Egypt Wiki
Userkhaure-Setepenre Setnakhte (reigned 1189 B.C.E. - 1186 B.C.E.) was the first Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt. The Papyrus Harris I mentions a time of crisis and political …
Exodus: The History Behind the Story - TheTorah.com
Apr 15, 2019 · Setnakhte, founder of the twentieth dynasty, fought against the foreigner and his Levantine allies who had taken over the country, and succeeded in driving them out and …
Setnakhte Pharaoh Biography 1185-1182 BC - Ancient Egypt
Apr 19, 2012 · How Setnakhte came to the throne, or indeed who he was, is uncertain. The best source for the beginning of the 20th Dynasty comes from about 65 years later, in the account …
Setnakht | king of Egypt | Britannica
Order was restored by a man of obscure origin, Setnakht (ruled c. 1190–88 bce), the founder of the 20th dynasty, who appropriated Tausert’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. An inscription of …
Setnakhte, The First King of Egypt's 20th Dynasty - Tour Egypt
Setnakhte was the first king of Egypt's 20th Dynasty, the last dynasty of the New Kingdom. This is the king's birth name that, together with his epithet, mereramunre, means "Victorious is Set, …
Setnakhte - Mummipedia Wiki | Fandom
Setnakhte was the first king of Egypt's new dynasty. Although there is no factual information on Setnakhte's rise to the throne. Setnakhte is supposedly the grandson of a previous king, …
Setnakhte - Landious Travel
Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte (also called Setnakht or Sethnakht) was the first pharaoh (1189 BC–1186 BC) of the Twentieth Dynasty of the New Kingdom of Egypt and the father of …
Tomb of Tausert and Setnakht, KV14 - Explore Luxor
In the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, where the sand glitters in the sunlight and holds the secrets of pharaohs and gods, lies a cryptic wonder known as the Tomb of Tausert and Setnakht. This …