161 Consonant Digraph Words and Examples – Free Printables
Apr 7, 2022 · Here are 8 comprehensive lists of words with consonant digraphs, including examples with digraphs SH, TH, CH, WH, CK, and PH. These FREE printable pdfs are arranged by digraph in easy-to-read and organized lists for a variety of uses!
Phonic Sounds - ch, sh, th, wh, ph - Online Math Help And …
The following diagram gives some examples of words that begin with sh, ch, th, wh. Scroll down the page for examples and explanations.
FREE Printable Consonant Digraphs Ch, Sh and Th Worksheets
Oct 10, 2024 · These ch, sh, and th worksheets are a simple, easy way to work on this consonant digraph with kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders too. Simply print the free printable ch sh th worksheet pages and you are ready to practice!
Ch, Th, Sh, Wh, Ph Sound Phonics Words List - EnglishBix
Today at EnglishBix let’s explore the list of words beginning with consonant digraphs. Here is a word list containing words starting with digraphs – ch, th, sh, wh, and ph, respectively.
sh ch th Word Sort Activities (Free!) - Homeschool Den
Sep 9, 2016 · This activity is for kids who are learning to listen for the consonant blends: sh ch and th. These include various activities to practice the sh ch th words: picture cards and words, tracing pages, seek & color pages, etc.
Digraph Words - Phonics Word List
On this page you can find pre-generated word lists including real words and nonsense words from each of the following categories: ch words, sh words, th words, ck words, wh words, and mixed digraph words. Need more lists? Generate your own free, printable digraph word lists!
All About Digraphs & Blends: Free Lists & Charts - Literacy Learn
Sep 11, 2023 · Definition: Consonant blends are a sequence of consonants where EACH letter sound is heard and blended together quickly. Common Blends include: Other Beginning Blends: tw, scr, shr, squ, spl, spr, thr. Ending T Blends: -ct, -ft, -lt, -nt, -pt, -st, -xt. Other Ending Blends: -nd, -nch, -sk, -sp, -mp.
Phonics: Consonant Digraphs - Worksheets
Consonant Digraphs: Ch and Sh (Mixed) Learn to differentiate between the /ch/ and /sh/ sounds with these printable activities. Includes picture and word sorts, mini-books, and practice worksheets.
Consonant Digraphs List - Printable Parents
Use this printable consonant digraphs list to help your child. Your child is learning to read. They have mastered the basic letter sounds of the alphabet. All of a sudden, they come to the word “ship” in a story. They read it /s/ /h/ /i/ /p/. It’s time to teach your child about consonant digraphs.
I 1: Touch & Tell: ch, th, and sh - Sight Words: Teach Your Child …
I’m going to say some words with that /sh/ sound in them. You listen, then point to the /sh/ card and repeat my word. Ready: Ship. [Point to /sh/ card with one forefinger while making “shh” gesture with other forefinger.] Your turn. Child: [pointing to /sh/ card and making “shh” gesture] Ship. Adult: Good. Here’s another word: shell
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