Historic background - Sainte-Marie among the Hurons
The Huron Wendat recognized three types of illness: Natural causes, cured by herbs, drugs, poultices or sweating; Un-natural social behaviour thought to be witchcraft, dealt with by a Shaman; Psycho-illness that manifested itself in dreams. The Huron Wendat considered dreams to be the language of the soul.
Huron/Ouendat Village - Huronia Museum
The Huron/Ouendat Village at the Huronia Museum in Midland, Ontario, Canada, represents life between AD 1500-1600, just prior to the arrival of Europeans. The village has the following components: shaman’s lodge, wigwam, masks, fish racks, longhouse, sweat lodge, corn field, bone pit, fur drying rack, and burial rack.
Contesting world views: Dreams among the Huron and Jesuits
Jul 1, 1992 · The Huron valued the personal power that an individual shaman accrued . This personal value was embedded in the primary religious experience of dreaming that varied from individual to individual, but which also participated in a collective understanding that validated the Huron cosmology .
Religion Ceremonies & Celebrations - Huron-Wendat
Shamans were usually men. They would receive visions and dreams that told them how to solve mysteries, or cure illnesses. Sometimes they would fast until the answer came to them. They also used herbal remedies and shells when responding to the situation at hand. The community respected them greatly.
Huron - The SpiritWiki
"Authority was a matter of personal empowerment through greater intimacy with the sacred powers, manifested paradigmatically as esoteric knowledge and the demonstration of consistent and mysterious ability by the master shaman."
17th Century Jesuits in New France - Native American Netroots
Mar 12, 2012 · Unable to cure the Huron of smallpox, the shaman Tonneraouanont lost face among his people in 1637. When he broke his leg and died from the resulting infection, the Jesuit Jean de Brébeuf assigned the calamity to evidence of the power of the Catholic God and attempted to assume the role of tribal shaman.
Arendiwane - The SpiritWiki - Lightning Path
"The Arendiwane, "great, powerful one" was the master shaman who had many such dreams and the appropriate knowledge and practices given by the various oki.
Huron/wendat - Summary - eHRAF World Cultures
Diseases caused by witchcraft usually required the help of a shaman to expel the supernatural causes. Some shamans sought visions of the cause of illness, while others sought clues their dreams, or fasted and went on a vision quest.
He Hunts in the Spirit World - Jud Hartmann Gallery
A Huron Shaman Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 20″ A Shaman is one whose Orenda is great, powerful (Orenda: “a potentiality to do or effect results mystically”).
Huronia Museum - Wikipedia
The Huron Village represents what Huron life was like between AD 1500-1600, just prior to the arrival of Europeans. The village has the following components: shaman's lodge, wigwam, masks, fish racks, longhouse, corn field, bone pit, fur drying rack, burial rack.