SHERRY - Translation in Italian - bab.la
Translation for 'sherry' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations.
sherry translation in English | Italian-English dictionary - Reverso
Cooking sherry adds depth to soups and stews, making them more flavorful. Adoro spruzzare aceto di sherry sulle verdure arrosto per un'esplosione di sapore extra. I love drizzling sherry vinegar over roasted vegetables for an extra flavor boost.
SHERRY | translate English to Italian - Cambridge Dictionary
SHERRY translate: sherry, sherry. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary.
The Seven Types of Sherry Wine - What to Know | Wine.com
Sherry is a complex category of wine that encompasses seven different styles. These are manzanilla, fino, amontillado, oloroso, palo cortado, cream and Pedro Ximénez. Made primarily from the Palomino grape, Sherries are produced either oxidatively or non-oxidatively, utilizing a fractional aging and blending process called the solera system.
sherry in Italian - English-Italian Dictionary | Glosbe
sherry, xeres, bicchiere di sherry are the top translations of "sherry" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: Oh, I'm just sitting at the bar, enjoying a bit of sherry and some udon noodles. ↔ Oh, sono solo al bar, gustando un po'di sherry e un piatto di noodles udon.
English translation of 'sherry' - Collins Online Dictionary
English Translation of “SHERRY” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Italian words and phrases.
How to say sherry in Italian? - Definitions.net
How to say sherry in Italian? ˈʃɛr i sher·ry Would you like to know how to translate sherry to Italian? This page provides all possible translations of the word sherry in the Italian language.
sherry - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference
sherry n (fortified wine) sherry nm : Before dinner, the guests enjoyed glasses of sherry. Prima di cena gli ospiti hanno bevuto dello sherry.
SHERRY | translate Italian to English - Cambridge Dictionary
They finished off with sherry trifle and coffee, and the meal was accompanied by various wines costing £63 a case. The difficulty extends to sherry and port, too. A small glass of light sherry …
Sherry - Significato ed etimologia - Vocabolario - Treccani
〈šèri〉 s. ingl. [adattam. del nome di Xeres (con x- anticam. pronunciata 〈š〉, poi 〈kħ〉 come j, da cui la grafia moderna Jerez), città spagnola presso Cadice], usato in ital. al masch.
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